Chapter 19: Rejection

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Chapter 19: Rejection

Soleil bounced back and forth on the balls of her feet as she waited again for the limo to pick her up. Yesterday, after they had gone to eat at Nando’s, the group had gone back to Harry and Louis’ flat and played video games all afternoon. Today, they had promised to take her sightseeing since it was such a nice day out. Finally, the familiar vehicle pulled up and she skipped over to it. She threw open the door and was met with an unfamiliar face.

“Oh my God,” she stuttered. “I’m so sorry, I thought this was my friend’s car.”

The strange boy, who had pale skin and jet-black, hair burst out laughing. “It’s me, Soleil.”

“Niall?” She questioned, peering closer at the boy. Upon further inspection, she realized that the dark hair was a wig and it really was the Irish band member after all.

“You didn’t think we were gonna walk around without disguises did you?” He asked.

She giggled. “I guess not, I just wasn’t expecting it! You really look like a different person.”

He pulled her into the limo and sat her next to him. “That’s kind of the point, babe.”

A thrill ran through her at his words. She knew it didn’t really mean anything, but she liked the way the word “babe” sounded when he said it.

“Anyways,” he continued, “I really think you should reconsider staying at the flat with us. It will be so much easier to go out and stuff if we’re living in the same place.”

“I know, but I really don’t want to impose. Plus, I think I need my own space,” she countered.

“You won’t be imposing! And think of all the money you’ll save,” he pleaded.

She rolled her eyes. “The hostel isn’t that expensive. And I kind of like it,” she lied.

He raised an eyebrow at her. “Riiiiiiight. You like staying in a small, cramped room with a bunch of people you don’t know.”

Smiling sheepishly, she shrugged.

“Come on,” he tried again, nuzzling his face into her shoulder. “All the guys love you, they want you to stay too.”

“Wait a second,” she pulled back, causing Niall to frown. “Where are the rest of the boys? I thought we were all going sightseeing together.”

“They’re gonna meet up with us later. Right now I want a few hours with you to myself.”

“Okay,” she smiled, leaning back into his shoulder. “Don’t tell them, but I’m kind of glad I get to just hang out with you for a while.”

He kissed her cheek and grinned. “My lips are sealed.”

They spent the next few hours just wandering around the city. At one point, Niall grabbed Soleil’s hand and that’s how they stayed, fingers intertwined as their arms swung gently back and forth. Niall admitted that he didn’t know the city as well as the other boys so he didn’t have any special places to take her, but she didn’t mind just walking around and seeing what there was to see. She and Kylie had visited many of the typical tourist destinations anyways and she didn’t mind straying from her plan. She realized that since meeting Niall, it was becoming harder and harder to stick to her plan, and even though it terrified her, spending time with him was worth it.

“Soleil, after this is all over, where do you think you’re gonna live?”

They were sitting at a small café having an afternoon drink as they watched the busy London passerby on the street.

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