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Iɴᴅɪᴀ Jᴏʜɴsᴏɴ


If you asked college me, where I would be in 5 years time, it would not be in Philadelphia working as an addiction therapist.

When my alarm rings, I climb out of bed and get into the shower.

Once I was out of my shower, I put on some beige trousers and a white button up, that I tuck into my trousers. I do some makeup.

I quickly make a bagel which was delicious, before heading to work.

I head out of my apartment complex and towards my Jeep.

Just before I decided to drive, Phoebe facetimes me.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask and she smiles. "We woke up early to catch you before you were busy." Phoebe smiles before showing me my niece Aubrey who is 4 and my other niece Willow who is 1.

Phoebe and Josh moved back to LA with my mom after they finished college. Josh became a history and sports coach and out old highschool. Whilst Phoebe became a journalist.

Phoebe is from a big family so they tend to fly out and visit her family quite often.

I go home around Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Problem is mom is worried about me. She expressed her worries with Josh and Phoebe and now they're also worried for me.

I'm lonely, is what they think. I haven't had a boyfriend since college and all my friends were back in New York, where I went to college.

"Hey girls. What's up?" I ask putting my seatbelt on. "We miss you. When are you coming home?" They ask and I sigh. It's literally March. I haven't long went to LA.

"I don't know." I shrug and they pout. "Im sorry. I'll come back as soon as I have a break." I suggest and they sigh but reluctantly agree.

"I've gotta go girls. We call later." I say and they nod. I quickly say a goodbye and end the call before heading to work well to get some coffee.

After a day at work, I decide to get more coffee before heading back to my apartment.

I head into the coffee shop and head up to the desk. I give them my order and then move out of the way so others can order.

"Alex!" The Barista calls and my head snaps up, I look around in a panic and notice some guy walking to get his coffee. I take a breath of relief. Loads of people have that name, it's all good.

My name gets called and I quickly thank them before heading back to my Jeep.

I notice some guy with his back to me staring at my Jeep. I go to talk to him and he spins around.

I see his face and it knocks the air out of me. Oh my god.

"India?" He asks and I nod. He looks up at the sky and mutters some things under his breath before turning his attention back to me.

"I've been waiting for this day. When I saw the Jeep, I couldn't quite believe it." He says and I take a deep breath.

Im still consumed by guilt. 8 years later and I still can't look at him without feeling guilty for breaking his heart. No I didn't just break his heart, I ripped it apart, stomped on it, punched it a few times then spat on it. Basically.

"Philadelphia, huh?" He asks and I nod whilst sipping on my coffee. "Come on India, talk to me. How've you been?" He asks and I nod. "I've been good. You?" I ask and he smiles. "I'm glad." He responds.

"We should have dinner, catch up." He says and I nod. "Yeah, for sure." I say politely. "I'm so glad, I ran into you. I'll text you." He says and I raise an eyebrow. "I've got your number. Josh gave it to me." He says and I nod slowly.

"Alex, let's go!" Hunter yells and my guilt gets even worse. I'm gonna throw up.

"Get over here, you'll never guess who I just ran into." He says and my eyes widen. Oh god no. Please no.

"No fucking way? John?" He questions and picks me up and spins me around.

"You've been in Philly this whole time? Shit man." He says when he puts me down. "Well, I went to college in New York but yeah." I say and he ruffles my hair and hugs me again.

"Oh how I've missed you." He says pulling back.

"We've gotta go, but I'll text you." Alex says and I nod. "I look forward to dinner." He says and I smile. "Me too." I lie.

This isn't going to end well.

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