Chapter 14

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Nini walked in to the English room unaware of what had fallen out of her bag.  "Hey" she said as she approached Ricky. "Hey, did the feelings letter work?" He replied.

"Yeah, it actually did" Nini answered. She was still surprised that it worked. "You got rid of it, right?" Ricky questioned wondering if she knew the final step of a feelings letter.

"You were supposed to get rid of it, why didn't you tell me?" Nini replied with slight frustration. "I thought it was obvious" he replied but without frustration.

"No big deal, I just put it in my bag, I can get rid of it right now " Nini said as she went to look for the letter. When she finished, she realized something.

"Apparently it's not in my bag, it must have fallen out somewhere" Nini said confused. "Okay then, retrace your steps, where were you before you came here?" Ricky asked.

"Well I was in the hallway talking to Gina then I came here" Nini realized. "Shit, what if she has the letter?" Nini worried. "Well I guess I'll find out tomorrow at the Halloween party" Nini said now slightly more worried.

"You should come with me, I might need backup" Nini said. Ricky was confused on whether she was serious or not. "Really?, what about your boyfriend?" Ricky wondered.

"Oh, he's gonna be busy, so he's not even going plus I don't really want him to know about this letter" Nini replied

"Okay then, let's do it"

Authors note:
Feel free to send any thoughts, theories or questions to my cc the link is in my bio and the username is @brutal4you

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