Chapter 23

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Nini walked through the english room door and saw Ricky at his usual spot. "Hi" he smiled at the brunette.

"Hey" Nini replied ."What's wrong?" Ricky questioned when he noticed the sad expression on her face. "it's um- it's nothing" Nini replied

"it's just ever since the halloween party, Jake hasn't been responding to my texts and i don't have a good feeling about it" Nini sighed

Ricky knew what she might need. "Maybe you just need to do something to take your mind off of it. My friend and and I are going bowling tomorrow. Maybe you could come if you want"

"Oh, sure, why not?" Nini answered "So you're in?" Ricky questioned "Yeah, it actually sounds  like fun"  Nini replied " Great" Ricky said happily

"See you tomorrow at 5 pm"

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