Chapter 25

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As Nini arrived at Jake's house, she knew how she would possibly feel when she left. She was incredibly nervous as to what this would bring.

"Hey" Nini trembled. "Hey" Jake replied. "So what's the deal with that guy that your always hanging out with?" Jake questioned.

"Ricky?"  Nini snorted. "Yeah, are you like getting extra credit by hanging out with him?"  he berated.

"No, i'm hanging out with him because he's my friend" Nini corrected. "What does he have to do with this" she added.

"Nini, you brought him to the halloween party" he accused. "Yeah it's not a big deal and also you canceled on me, so clearly he's not the problem" Nini shouted

"If it's not a big deal then why didn't you tell me about it?" he accused "Because I knew you would make it a big deal, kinda like what your doing right now" she argued

"Well then maybe he'll be your boyfriend, because i'm done " he stormed.

"Well then maybe he'll be your boyfriend, because i'm done " he stormed

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Pretending || rini auWhere stories live. Discover now