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"noona" jungkook yelled, a bit too loud as other lawyers in the main bullpen started looking his way. awkwardly standing there, jungkook signalled his noona to come to him. sooyoung froze, not realising what was happening until namjoon pushed her. 

a bit shyly, she stepped near him only to drag him out of the bullpen to the balcony on the outside. 

"jungkook! you can't tell everyone we know each other!" sooyoung yelled, a bit stressed "wait why?" jungkook asked, a bit sad. was she embarrassed of him? "because were working together. if people know WE know each other than they will think I am biased towards you oh my god-" 

she was cut off when jungkook just pulled her in for a hug. "w-what are you doing?" she asked, trying to appear bold even if she was blushing "can we just hug?" he asked quietly "I haven't been near my noona for 5 years, I want to hug you" he murmurs. sooyoung laughs a bit, loosening up. "I missed you" she whispered in his ears as he reached for his neck, pulling him in a stronger hug "me too". 

they stood there for a longer while, embracing each other as they breathed in their scents. 

"I love you noona" abruptly, jungkook dropped the L bomb. 

sooyoung broke the hug looking at him with wide eyes "w-what?" she asked 

"I heard a bunch of guys calling you sexy and hot and I couldn't stand it. you're my noona. not theirs. I have loved you for so long, why am I waiting now then?" he asked "its frustrating noona, im drowning, I need you" he asked, a bit more desperate. 

sooyoung thought, she knew she loved the latter so much, thats all she talked about in America to joon. but here, it became so real. as she digested jungkooks words, a smile danced across her face. she just looked more into jungkooks eyes and gazed with so much fondness that it was sweeter than any piece of candy. as she was about to reply, she heard her phone ring. 

"fuck" she whispered as she looked down, mumbling a quick sorry to jungkook who looked more annoyed than ever, she opened her phone to see jimin calling her "its jimin" she said looking up at jungkook, like a cute puppy. almost melting, jungkook just nodded while looking away, poking his inner cheek with his tongue after he mumbled a quick 'fucking cockblocker' 

sooyoung picked up the phone to hear a frantic jimin "hey, what's up?" she asked "you need to come downstairs right now" jimin ordered "what, why? where are you?" she asked more confused "im here with a lot of food. you need to come down and tell me which one namjoon likes" he whisper yelled as sooyoung just sighed "but im with jungkook right now" she whined, obviously frustrated at the latter. "no I dont give a fuck about your fucking sessions. you need to come down and help me fuck that man in there" jimin yelled louder through the phone while sooyoung whined more and jungkook just chuckled as he heard jimins yelling through the phone. "just go" jungkook said "ill see you downstairs" he patted her back, comforting her as she just looked at him sadly, muttering a small 'okay' as she ran through the balcony entrance and bullpen scaring the staff again. 

as she reached outside she saw jimin with a lot of food "jimin what the fuck" she yelled a bit "im trying to get inside his pants and fuck him" jimin said as he tried to balance his lunchboxs "ugh fine, only because I know that you actually care about him and not want to 'just' fuck him" she rolled her eyes and looked through the food that had been placed on a bench near the bighit law firm. "thank you queen, I owe you one" he whispered. 

sooyoung gave him a bento box full of meat and rice "he likes meat, like red meat or chicken, not seafood" sooyoung clarified as she run her fingers through her hair "why are you here anyways, dont you have a job?" she asked "I do but im on break, I need to relax my muscles you know?" he told her. as a dance teacher, he needs all the physical rest he can get "by running around getting food?" she teased "shut up and lets go inside" jimin just pinched her arms, taking her in as she whined behind him. 

as they entered the bullpen again, she saw jungkook and namjoon talking. "h-hey guys" jimin started off, scaring jungkook and namjoon "why are you here?" jungkook whisper yelled, looking jimin up and down "I love you too jungkook" jimin rolled his eyes at the youngers comment "uhm, I brought food, for the both of you I guess" jimin said as he gave namjoon the meat bento box and jungkook some fried chicken he was saving for himself. he didn't want to appear that desperate so he thought it would be good to give food to the both. 

"ah thanks jimin!" namjoon cheerfully said as he pat the latter shoulders "yeah thanks hyung" jungkook spoke quietly while quickly opening his food "hey, wanna come to our office dinner today?" namjoon asked jimin "isn't it for your office?" jimin questioned back "no it should be fine, we can sneak you in" "oh uhm, okay then! ill meet you here around..." jimin led on for namjoon to deliver the time "oh uh, around 6:45?" "sure" 

jimin and namjoon were having a cute intimate moment while staring into each others eyes blissfully, until sooyoung broke it "since when do we have an office dinner?" she asked, a bit annoyed. she wanted to sleep after her first day of work, for gods sake the woman is still jet lagged. "giyeon and namhyun organised it, calling it a 'get to know each other dinner' or some shit" jungkook mumbled stuffing his face "ah, those two" she said as she looked at the two who were caught staring back at her "ew why are they eye raping you"  hoseok came out of nowhere, behind sooyoung as she jumped "AH FUC- oh hi sir" she bowed, still shaken up "oh dont call me sir, im your friend!" he smiled making the others smile too "remember to come to the dinner!" he sang as he walked by to his office. 

"your work place is weird" 

"shut up jimin" 

(heyyyy, hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry if there are any mistakes!) 

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