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as a year has passed. jungkook and sooyoung have been committed.

sooyoung committed to seokjin and jungkook committed to ignoring sooyoung. its become bad actually. he would snap at his noona and not even stay in the same room as her.

sooyoung tried to talk to him but that didn't go well at all.

"jungkook" sooyoung softly knocked on his door and waited for a few seconds before being exposed to a slightly buff chest. sooyoung was a solid 161cm while jungkook was a monstrous 175cm now.

she looked up at him which caused his heart to do a little flip yet he shook it off as he walked back to his bed, lying down.

"what" jungkook said bluntly, shaking sooyoung.

"uuhm, do you want to get some ice cream with me?" she asked, scared to look at him so she looked around his room. but once he scoffed, she shot her gaze at him. "with me? are you sure you dont want to go with your boyfriend?" he joked, making her a bit mad "what the fuck jungkook? why are you so rude to jin?" she asked, agitated. jungkook shot her a cold glare and stood up, coming closer to her and bending down to her height, lips centre meters away.

"you wanna know why I hate that man of yours? its because your delisional. you want a boy friend so bad that you would settle for someone like him? " he scoffed a bit looking away "never thought of you as an easy slut-" he was cut off by a slap hard on his cheek. wide eyed, he looked back at his noona to see her crying a tsunami.

"jungkook, I have done everything for you for almost 10 years, and now you call me a slut?" she took a breath as she wasn't stable "I have repetitively wanted you to tell me where I went wrong but now I realise its because you think im some desperate whore?" she starts stepping a bit more farther from him. jungkook saw this and gazed down. he let his anger take the best of him and now he'd upset his reason to live.

"where's the jungkook who hugged me, who cared for me, who loved me?" she desperately asked. looking at his deep eyes as he looked at her.

she saw a look of guilt and love but that quickly washed away when he sighed and sat back on his bed "that was just childish admiration, im not a child anymore, I know what's right and what's wrong. and I know your wrong" he calms stated as sooyoung's world shook.

was she in the wrong? was she the bad one? what did she do that made him hate her? she still had no clue, but better than to stay with him here, she left.

that was it. jungkook turned to his bed and let the waterfall free. bed almost soaked with tears as he tried to calm down. "he's dead noona, your jungkook died when you left him for jin hyung" jungkook let out as he wailed in bed. not caring about how much noise he made. he hurt his noona. he deserves to die.


it had been almost 2 years since sooyoung and jin had been together. yet something was still off and jin could feel it.

he went to sooyoung apartment to see her barely awake, sitting on her study table trying to work. she had emerged herself into work after that fight with jungkook. soon, she became one of the smartest in her school, with more studying and less friends. she had only seen the full gang 7 times in a year. it was painful. not only for her, for jungkook, and subconsciously, Jin.

"babe, we need to talk" jin said as he entered her apartment. when she saw him her eyes lit up a little, she ran to him "hi jin" she spoke, with a hoarse voice. jin looked at her carefully noticing her red swollen eyes and cheeks. "sit down" they sat and jin held her hand. taking a deep breath, he let it out.

"sooyoung, you're not okay. you have not been yourself for the past two years. since we have been together. you aren't the girl I feel in love with and im scared she is gone forever. babe, I know you love me, but, do you?" he asked her, softly holding her cheek.

sooyoung sat stiff. she thought, for the past two years, the only change she had been through was her relationship with jin right? no, she remembered someone, someone so important that she let out fat tears as she remembered him. shaking her head she was mad. mad at herself for projecting her problems on a lovely person. she had been making jin life horrible because of her for the past 2 years. she felt like shit.

"jin" she started off, holding his hand "oh my god, jin im so sorry. I haven't been myself at all. I dont think I will ever be." she said sadly, jin only nodded "its jungkook right?" he whispered. sooyoung couldn't do more then let out a sharp breath and nod "I noticed the way he looked at us, he must have gone through as much pain as you" jin whispered while sooyoung whipped her head to face him "jin, I have been nothing but a nuisance for the past 2 years, because of jungkook, and your not even mad at me?" she questioned, baffled at his behaviour.

"honestly, I dont think we ever loved each other as a couple. we never had sex, we literally are best friends. you helped me get through my social anxiety through these 2 years and now, I want you to be happy" jin softly confessed making sooyoung hug him tightly "oh jin, im so sorry" she apologised again and again "I am hurt, and I need you to buy me food for a month but, you are an actual angel and you deserve to be happy" jin finished making sooyoung back away from the hug and look at him. " how did I ever land you?" she questioned "you didn't" jin joked, worrying if its too soon, but surprised as she laughed with him.

after another hour of talking and him taking out his belongings from her apartment, he was standing outside the door, ready to leave.

"thank you for everything jin, you were good to me" sooyoung whispered as she watched him with sad eyes "dont worry about me, I prepped myself so hard" he joked again, making her laugh "but u need to remember, im you ex boyfriend, not ex friend" jin warned "I will call you for a drink soon, dont need any awkward crap, were friends ok?" sooyoung just chuckled more and waved him bye. she watched him go down the stairs and then closed the door.

this was it. she felt as if now, she could go to her group, her friends, her family. ofcource, the first thing she did after closing the door was call hoyeon and jimin needing to vent. but the only available one was jimin and taehyung tagged along.

the three met up after months and hugged, cried, drank bottles and bottles, and spilled everything to each other. it was ecstatic. there were three confessions that night. and it was hillarious.

"I have a confession" drunk jimin started off.

"me tooooo" taehyung added, bouncing a bit

"omg sameeee" sooyoung added. "ok jimin go first" she started as both her and taehyung gave jimin all their attention

"ahm-ahm!" he cleared his throat " IIIIII AAAMMM BIII" he yelled

"why are you saying bye?" taehyung asked, drunk and confused

"oh no why are you leaving?" sooyoung became worried

"what no omg" he sat down with a humph "im bisegsual" he slurred out " I like that pussy" he said "and dick" he whispered making both taehyung and sooyoung chuckle.

"WELL CONGRATS MY BOY" taehyung celebrated while sooyoung clapped happily "wait wait wait" she asked "did u try... both?" jimin nodded proudly making sooyoung and taehyung clap out of admiration "well done, you got em both while I can't even land one" taehyung sadly chuckled "ok my turn or else my heart will burst" taehyung continued "I LOVEEEE HHOOYYEEOONN" he yelled while jimin and sooyoung had their mouths wide open "nooooo" she let out while jimin just laughed "I can't imagine hoyeon as a bottom"

"omg tae!" sooyoung yelled shocking the two " I LOVE JUNGKOOK" she let out as taehyung started bouncing out of excitement and jimin laughed more " OMHG WE LOVE THE JEON SIBLINGS JJDKJFHKSDKJHD" both sooyoung and taehyung danced while jimin sat drinking more and more, finally happy he let the weight off.

that night, they became close, patching up everything and letting loose.

hopefully this was a new beginning for sooyoung. she wanted to try, try for everything, try for jungkook.

(sorry if im going fast, these are basically little flashbacks that are caused, the main story is held in 2021 so we need to get there soon as well!)

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