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the next morning, all three bedheads hangover was horrible. 

sooyoung work up first, remembering everything. as she remembered, she realised 'did jimin come out? did taehyung and I confess? what happened?' in panic, she woke up taehyung by shaking his leg on her and slapping jimins ass which was next to her "GUYS!!!" the two woke up with a confused face 

"im sorry but did we basically confess last night?" she asked with a whisper "holy fuck" taehyung realised as he fully woke up while Jimin was silent "do you guys hate me now?" he asked a bit scared. sooyoung and taehyung whipped their heads to jimin with a shocked face "are you fucking kidding me?" taehyung asked "I've known you for 10 years babe, you dont need to hide yourself from me, or taehyung, we love you jimin" sooyoung comforted him "jimin your my closest friend, I am going to love you until I die" taehyung whispered as he hugged jimin from the side "your stuck with us buddy, were soulmates here" sooyoung says as she hugged jimin from the other side. "ahh I love you guys tooo" jimin whined as he spread his hands around their shoulders. 

"wait but" sooyoung distanced herself "can we keep the 'me loving jungkook' thing a secret here ? I can't tell hoyeon, she will kill me" sooyoung whispered as jimin and taehyung nodded. "ok a pact thats good. ill come out to the two jeons but we keep your little crushes on the jeons a secret ok?" jimin confirmed while the other two nodded. "ok but first, wow, you and hoyeon" sooyoung symbolised making taehyung shy away, but then counter attack "ok no but like you and KOOK?" sooyoung just laughed a little and shook her head "jin really is an angel" jimin spoke softly "he is" sooyoung nodded. 

"ok lets get up-" sooyoung got cut when the door started getting assaulted "what?" taehyung whispered as he went to open the door only to see jungkook looking mad 

"HYUNG I HAD TO TRACK YOUR PHONE OMH WAIT WHY ARE YOU PRACTICALLY NAKED OMG DOES NOONA KNOW YOUR HERE OMG THIS IS HER PLACE WHY ARE YOU HERE IN MY NOONA'S HOUSE???" jungkook rambled on, without realising 'his noona' and jimin came out looking worse "wait im confused" jungkook took a step back. "what happened?" he genuinely questioned as he saw soju bottles on the floor and sooyoung in a tank and shorts. "we uhm-" sooyoung started but realised she can't say they confessed so she nudged jimin to take over her, jolting him in the process"oh uhm, yeah no, uh, basically uh, AH SOOYOUNG BROKE UP" jimin yelled 

"Y-YEAH IT WAS A UHM SINGLE HEARTS PARTY! RIGHT SOOYOUNG?" taehyung joined in while sooyoung looked lost "oh yeah, yeah I broke up, this wAS A PARTY YEAHH" she realised what had happened a little late but she went along with it, kind of dancing to no music. 

jungkook stood there shocked, firstly because they acted a bit to suspicious, and secondly because his noona was single! he can't go running back to her but he was happy that she was now ALL HIS!

he let out a little chuckle as jimin stopped her from dancing. sooyoung realised and looked down, embarrassed. 

"okay so uhm, ill order some hangover soup and clean up while you guys get cleaned and uhm, wear some clothes?" jungkook mentioned as he looked at the three. taehyung and jimin were both in boxers and a t-shirt while his noona was in a thin tank highlighting her breast and a perky pair of shorts. they looked down and realised. "Fuck I hugged you with morning wood" jimin laughed as he told sooyoung who laughed too

"WHAT HYUNG??" jungkook yelled a bit too loud "UH- nothing just go get changed" he ordered. "yes bossman" sooyoung joked as she saluted, a little to hard as her breasts moved a bit which she surprisingly didn't realise, but jungkook did. he looked down and just took out his phone. "ill call hoyeon noona and she will bring soup for you all" jungkook informed "oh good, yeah call her, that will be good,  ok so all are here" taehyung nodded as he heard jimin and sooyoung giggle as they went inside the room, hearing him. 

that day, the 5 finally became what they were before. sure, friendships have some lags here and there, but if they are strong, nothing can stop them. in this case, nothing can stop these 5 


as the friendship healed, everything became better. the group was tighter, jimin came out and got accepted happily, jungkook's mood even became better and he was becoming more and more happier. he suffered a lot in the 2 years before, but now, he was happy. of course jimin and taehyung noticed this and realised, the two, sooyoung and jungkook, were madly in love with each other and didn't realise. it was fun to watch so they didn't burst any bubbles yet. 

now it was a chilly April night. the group was at sooyoung's apartment, waiting for college acceptance forms from all the 95 liners. Jimin's came first, he went to SNU here in seoul with Hoyeon and taehyung. the three were happy with their picks but now waited for sooyoung. sooyoung realised and sighed. "uhm actually I already got accepted" she admitted a little sad "OMG WHERE???" hoyeon excitedly asked while the rest looked almost as excited "uhm, in Harvard" she replied, silencing the boys while hoyeon got more excited "OMG YOUR GOING TO HARVARD!!!" she said, not realising what university it was. "wait so like, in Amer-" "America" jungkook interrupted jimims thoughts. hoyeon froze. "wait what" she stepped back "you got accepted in Harvard, like, Massachusetts Harvard???" she asked a little louder while sooyoung could only nod silently "so your leaving?" taehyung asked sadly "in 2 weeks " sooyoung added 

"OH WAIT WHAT" now jimin got mad "you got your letter way before us and didn't tell us?" hoyeon asked, visibly hurt, actually hurt "I wasn't even serious to go there until like a year ago, I didn't think id get in so when I did, I didn't want to leave you all so I-" "you're going" jungkook said a little to harshly "you worked hard and deserve this. we are no one to come in your way, your gonna go to Harvard, get your degree in two years, and come back" jungkook finished a bit roughly "id be gone for 5 years though" sooyoung whispered "wait why?" taehyung asked "uhm, im doing law? so I need to study for 4 to 7 years for law then I can be a prosecutor" she said as everyone else sighed "of course, yeah go ahead, good for you" jungkook said as he went outside, shutting the door with a bang. 

"im not saying I want you to leave but jungkooks right, you worked for this. you need to go" taehyung added "its just 5 years, we can FaceTime!" jimin added hugging sooyoung who was crying a little "ill miss you" hoyeon whispered as she joined the hug too "me three" tae added. 

they hugged and cried for about 10 minutes before jimin realised "fuck, jungkook-" jimin couldn't even finish before sooyoung realised as well and ran out, leaving in only little clothes and slippers.

she desperately looked for jungkook only to find him sitting at the park, where they first met. 

she slowly made her way to him and sat down. 

"why do you cause me so much pain?" 

(sorry if its bad or wrong. if there are any grammer mistakes please tell me!) 

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