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jungkook and sooyoung walked, one foot away from each other when they were still in the view of their colleagues, as they passed into an alleyway, they came closer like magnets do when they are attracted. coming closer, they reach out and hold hands, smiling like high school teenagers as they link arms and skip around, giggling. 

"look at you, so happy, missed me that much?" jungkook teased as he swung his hand around her shoulders, leaving her hands "you can't imagine" sooyoung spoke softly, leaning closer to him as they walk. "ayeee, whipped for me?" jungkook spoke in the most sultry voice, causing an eruption of butterflies to grow in her stomach "of course" she said, with a voice that held so much love and admiration. "ah!" jungkook yelled "w-why?" sooyoung asked, frightened. "my heart is beating too fast" he whined while clutching his 'heart'. sooyoung laughed at his behaviour and smacked his shoulder "aigoo, lets go home". 

the new couple reached sooyoungs apartment, slowly entering incase namjoon had come home. "is he here?" jungkook whispered "no, coast is clear" sooyoung replied back, whispering. "good" jungkook spoke before straitening out and picking up sooyoung bridal style "AGHP!" she yelped 

"what are you doing?" "im picking you up so you can go to your room, change while I wait for you...in bed" jungkook whispered the last part in sooyoungs ear, causing her to blush "a-ah, jungk-kook im uh, still tired you know?" she reasoned while jungkook only placed her on the bed and looked at her, confused as well. 

"OH" he yelled "WHAT" she yelled back "I meant actually sleeping, like sleeping, cuddling, and uh, yeah, not whatever your thinking" jungkook said shyly "o-oh?" sooyoung blinked "y-yah me too, I was thinking that too" sooyoung quickly said as she got off her bed to go to change in her bathroom "aigooo that noona" jungkook just shook his head, chuckling. 

after sooyoung got changed, she spotted jungkook laying in her bed, with one of namjoons shorts she assumed he took. "where's your t-shirt" she questioned as she came in the bed, wearing a hoodie and shorts "I dont sleep with a shirt on noona" he said as he lay his head onto sooyoungs shoulders, hugging her waist from the side. "why do you want me to put one on?" "oh no, its okay, leave it.. off" sooyoung spoke as she got more and more shy. 

jungkook just chuckled at her cute reactions and pulled her down, slightly laying on top of her while burying his face in her neck "I love you noona" jungkook murmured in her neck while she pet his hair, digging her fingers deep in as she inhaled his scent "I love you too jungkook, so much" 

the couple then just stayed in that position, feeling loved, accepted and whole again. jungkook was thankful to not have done anything with anybody else over the five years his noona was gone. he was a firm believer that their love was not over. and thank god he stuck to that, because now look at them. happier than ever. 

the next morning the two lovebirds were woken up by someone hitting their door so loudly. startled, sooyoung tried to get up, only to be held back by jungkooks arms and legs wrapped around her. "fish you muscle pig, get up" she whined, trying to go see who was causing so much distress to her poor door "hjkfjfuhu" jungkook made weird noises trying to object her movement "SOOYOUNGAHHHH" jimin yelled "AISH" jungkook woke up "WHY IS HE SUCH A COCKBLOCKER??" he whisper yelled to sooyoung as he got up to open the door. as he was about to, he heard another noise, scaring the shit out of him "YAH, WAKE UP soOYOUNG!" it was hoyeon. 

"ah noona" jungkook spoke, frightened "hoyeon noona doesn't like the idea of us dating" he said quickly "what?" sooyoung was confused "I jokingly asked her 'what if we were in a relationship' as in me and you and she said 'I will never talk to you or sooyoung ever again" jungkook finished, a bit sad. it was really weird as jungkook thought she was kidding, but she wasn't. 

understanding the situation sooyoung nodded "okay, we won't tell them. I think namjoon and jimin might know but its okay. we can hide it. just put some blankets on the couch while I answer the door so it seems like you were sleeping out there" sooyoung handled the situation and got up, opening the door as jungkook stole a pillow and blanket, laying it out on the couch. 

"what" sooyoung said as she opened the door, looking so tired "well hello to you too" hoyeon joked as she went over and sat on the couch, where she was met with a sleepy jungkook "you slept over?" "yeah, we had a company dinner and I got wasted" jungkook made an excuse while pretending to be sleepy. 

"why are you still waiting outside?" sooyoung asked jimin who was holding the door for support "oh-uhm, I uh, I may have gotten that American dick last night and I can't walk" he whispered while sooyoungs eyes widened "OMG YESSS YOU DID GOOD JOB AHDHFJKHKJ" she got excited and leaped at jimin, hugging him "what happened?" jungkook asked "jimin got dick last night. had to help him up the fucking 5 flights of stairs" hoyeon whined as she relaxed down "ayeee, get it hyung" jungkook praised jimin while he limped and sat down on a single couch chair. "where's namjoon then?" sooyoung asked, looking outside "oh he went to get some food for us with taehyung, the two will come soon" hoyeon said, while taking out her phone as it rang. 

jungkook got up to go and get some water for himself when he heard hoyeon yell "ah jungkook, are you going to go on that blind date I scheduled for you?" jungkook froze and slowly turned around to see jimin and sooyoungs eyes wide while hoyeon looked at him a bit hopeful "you haven't been in a relationship yet and your a 25 year old man for gods sake. get some pussy!" hoyeon yelled while jungkook could only look at sooyoung with a scared face. 

what was surprising was sooyoungs reaction "ayeee, jungkookie has a date huh?" she teased as she sat next to hoyeon who nodded "omg who is she" hoyeon showed pictures of the friend she set jungkook up with while sooyoung examined them carefully. jungkook was still confused and looking at jimin for any consolation for what is happening but jungkook was met with another confused face 

"omg she is so pretty" sooyoung gasped "wait her name is naeun? omg what a pretty name." she fangirled while hoyeon smiled "I know right?" the two friends were fingerling while jungkook returned to his seat on the couch, now next to sooyoung "noona, im not going to that date" he spoke with determination "what whyyyy" hoyeon whined "you need to dateeee" she tried to convince him more but he just looked away "woah someone needs to land her, she is so hot" sooyoung whispered "wait do you wanna go on a date with her then?" hoyeon asked, hopeful "what, no" sooyoung yelped "but I mean, I could get her" 

proudly, sooyoung stood up and went to the bathroom while hoyeon and jimin were laughing, forgetting about a shocked jungkook in the corner. "I knew she was fruity" jimin smiled as he watched jungkook who just shook his head, cracking a little smile. 

(heyyy besties, hope you are okay!!! here's a new chapter, sorry for the mistakes!) 

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