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one thing that bothered the jeon kids was if sooyoung was such a good friend of theirs, why did she never invite them over?

after 6 years, hoyeon asked the question as the whole jeon family, taehyung, jimin and sooyoung were sitting watching tv.

"hey sooyoung can we hang out at your place tomorrow? I wanna see your room and I can meet ur parents that way too" hoyeon asked casually yet sooyoung froze. she didn't know how to react and looked down. everyone noticed she didn't reply and looked at her to see her tears falling on her lap as her hands clenched.

in 6 years, this was the first time sooyoung cried in front of the group, to say they were shocked was an understatement.

jungkook being right next to her hugged her as soon as he heard a sniffle. he hugged her tight. no one makes his noona cry, not even his own noona.

"a-are you okay noona?" jungkook asked

"yah sooyoung, u gud?" taehyung said, worried.

"uh-uhm" she sniffled and cleared her throat as everyones attention was on her.

"my uh, parents passed away 7 years ago" everyone was taken aback. but now they knew why her parents were never mentioned.

"aigoo you poor child!" mrs.jeon went over to her and hugged her, patting her back. "so where do you stay now?" she asked carefully "I uhm, I stay in a small apartment complex close by" she whispers "by your self?" mr jeon asked "uh yeah, my uncle sends me a check and visit me once a month" she finishes off while wiping her tears on her sweater paws.

"why didn't you tell anyone?" jungkook quietly mentioned "ah, I was scared you guys wouldn't want to be near me, thats why" she said softly which made hoyeon and jimin scoff.

"WHAT?" jimin yelled "DO YOU THINK WE WOULD LEAVE YOU IF YOU TOLD THAT TO US?" he stood up and came in front of her

"YEAH!" hoyeon joined "U DIMWIT, WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH WHY WOULD WE NOT WANT TO BE NEAR YOU HUH?" she sarcastically laughed "u think 6 years of friendship would allow us to be close but nooooo, this bitch thinks we will still leave her" jimin finished while hoyeon let out a loud "exactly!" and shook jimin's hand.

"listen noona, we wouldn't ever leave you. you're a part of us"jungkook softly added as sooyoung was crying and laughing at her two friends outburst.

"we really love you sooyoung, never hide yourself" taehyung added softly while everyone agreed.

"ill go get some milk and cookies" mr jeon left as the kids and mrs jeon sat around sooyoung comforting her.

"you could always live with us you know?" mrs jeon said "your our family now sooyoung"

sooyoung was crying of joy, she had these amazing people surrounded by her that she cherished. she looked over in front of her to see hoyeon and jimin not looking at her.

"yah guys im the sad one, hug me!" sooyoung joked but stopped when she saw tears in the other two's eyes

"ahhhh you guyssss" sooyoung jumped on the two as the three let out a loud cry

"soo-sooyoung please trust u-us" jimin let out while wailing.

"y-yeah, we love you" hoyeon completed making everyone add bit of their own "me too" in there.

as sooyoung came away from the two, she saw jungkook next to her hold her hand.

"noona, tell me everything. no more secrets" he whispered in her ear making her giddy for no reason.

"okay" she added and they just sat for hours and talked together.

jungkook wished time would stop, he wanted to hold his sooyoung noona's hand forever.


as promised, jungkook and sooyoung shared everything. from pimples to epiphany's. they were just so compatible it scared them, it really did. especially when sooyoung saw jungkook in a different light.

jungkook was 15. puberty hadnt hit him hard but it did hit him. his voice was lower, his body gained muscle and he was taller. even taller than jimin. she felt gross. gross that she had this urge over someone she had known since they were like a baby. she needed a distraction, so she started texting this guy, named seokjin.

she told all her friends, excited that she was finally pursuing someone for the first time. all her friends were happy for her, well except one.

jungkook wasn't happy at all about this. he was in pain. food lost taste, everyday felt sort of bland. the idea of your loved one not loving you didn't sit right with him. he was in despair wanting out. no one knew, and he was scared.

he was scared they would not like the idea that he loved someone who basically raised him, but in reality, he always loved her. from the start to the end. he just loved every bit of sooyoung and now he had give up on her? no. never.

he would act the same, no, even better. bringing flowers whenever he would meet her and buying her food. he would take care of her. like a queen.

the others noticed this but didn't give it much thought, they always knew jungkook admired sooyoung.

but to sooyoung, she was drowning. she wanted away from him and these thoughts about him in her head that now when he became more of a gentleman, she was falling deeper without noticing.

on a cold November evening, jungkook patiently waited to surprise sooyoung to 'charm' her more with flowers and a card.

he waited for 20 minutes, almost giving up when he saw her walking.

as he was about to reach out and call her he saw him.


that guy she was holding hands with. jungkook knew who it was. it was an older guy, named Kim Seokjin.

seokjin had everything. he was smart, tall, stronger, more handsome and had one thing that jungkook will never have, age.

he was about 3 years older than sooyoung and 5 years older than jungkook.

at that moment, jungkook realised, no, he believed, he was never fit for happiness. he was meant to be hurt and sad. from being bullied forever, to now being indirectly rejected by his life; sooyoung.

since then he made a pact, no one will waver his heart. no one. he will be stoned.

happiness choses the people it visits, obviously, jungkook wasn't one of those people.

(ok is this too much? idk anyways sorry if its bad, ENJOY!)

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