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two weeks later:

sooyoung was sitting on her desk at home, updating herself on a new case she was working on. it may be the weekend but she didn't study for 5 years for nothing. as she was immersed in her notes, she heard a knock. 

walking up to the door, she realised she was wearing horrible clothes; she was wearing a long sleeves t-shirt with ramen stains and shorts that peaked through her shirt as it was too short. 

"who is it?" she spoke as she opened the door, finding hoyeon, jungkook, and taehyung wearing cute summery clothes. "why are you all dressed up?" she questions, rubbing her arms feeling a bit insecure. "were going to a picnic with mom and dad, your coming" hoyeon said as she walked in, pushing sooyoung out of the way 

"w-what? I need to studyyyy~" sooyoung whined as she looked over at jungkook and taehyung for help "its useless, go get changed" taehyung sighed, making sooyoung slump her shoulders and walk to her room, slowly. 

"there's gonna be ssamgyeopsal" hoyeon added, making sooyoung speed walk to her room. the others just laughed at her cuteness "a-aish, why is there just random papers everywhere" taehyung whined "thats our court cases hyung!" jungkook walked over to him and snatched his papers "im helping namjoon hyung with this case, its really interesting. im so excited to go watch him present it" jungkook started reading through the court case, while taehyung just stared at him 

"was he always like this?" he asked hoyeon "overtime he became worse" hoyeon added, making both of them crack up. 

"aigoo here" taehyung picked a flower off of a small plant, which was presumably namjoon's "a flower for my flower" he flirted with hoyeon while all she could do is blush and take the flower "ew why so cheesy" she joked, not looking at him "dont lie you love it~" taehyung teased making her chuckle 

"im still here" jungkook added, looking at them with pure disgust "SO WhAT HUH?" hoyeon argued "WHATS WRONG WITH IT?" jungkook just shook his head at his sisters attempts to act normal "you guys are weird" sooyoung now came, wearing baggy light blue jeans and a summary floral blouse.

"OK you're here, lets go" hoyeon tried to escape from the situation as fast as possible while taehyung and jungkook just laughed. "gotta be less obvious hyung" jungkook teased while taehyung glared at him "says you" "HEY!" jungkook protested while taehyung walked ahead, poking his tongue at the younger. 

as they arrived at the little park. sooyoung left her group and started running towards the jeon parents. "hello! do you need help?" sooyoung asked while taking her bag off "aigoo, so helpful!" mrs. jeon praised "want to help me cut the meat?" mr jeon asked while she nodded, excitedly going towards the father figure and putting her gloves on, getting ready. 

"to think she was going to stay home and work" hoyeon added, making the others laugh at her cuteness. "food comes over everything" she stated "and also seeing the lovely couple here" sooyoung pointed at mr and mrs jeon who just laughed "ahhh, you know how to charm someone" mrs jeon hit her shoulders laughing. 

namjoon and jimin came from one corner, with a washed pile of lettuce "hello" jimin greeted the others "how are you all?" namjoon asked and was met with a few 'good' and 'great' comments here and there. "lets get started!!!!" sooyoung yelled as she ignited the bbq more, creating a bigger flame which surprised everyone "o-okay ill take over" jungkook spoke as he came and took her gloves off while she just pouted "can't handle a bit of fire and yet your working on an arson case" she muttered while jungkook just laughed. 

the group had a fun evening, with people laughing and remembering old times, it was perfect. what was more funny was how distinctly the couples were sitting. we had the jeon couple, the sookook couple, the taeyeon couple and the minniemon couple. all sitting next to each other in their own bubbles. the jeon couple noticed how close sooyoung and jungkook had became, almost too close if they were just friend. mrs jeon wanted to dress their relationship sooner or later so she waited after everyone had almost left. 

sooyoung was picking up some rubbish near the bench where they sat but stopped when she felt someones presence. she looked up and saw mrs jeon smiling down at her. "honey, can I talk to you?" she asked while sooyoung could only nod "uhh, am I in trouble?" sooyoung asked "oh no honey, I just wanted to know your relationship with uh, with jungkook?" mrs jeon asked. 

sooyoung only looked down at her lap, fiddling with her fingers "we uhm-" "dont lie to me sooyoung-ah, were family" mrs jeon comforted, tears grew in sooyoungs eyes when she said that. family. "uhm, were kind of dating?" sooyoung spoke softer towards the end. 

looking up slowly, she looked up to see mrs jeon with a happy expression "aigoo, dont be sad. thats happy news!" sooyoung just laughed out of as she hugged mrs jeon "I was so scared you would object because we knew each other since we were younger" sooyoung let out as mrs jeon looked at her, breaking her hug "what are you talking about, you are the reason he is on such a steady career, he takes vitamins daily, he works out, he never went with any girl for fun. you made him a better man, you should be proud honey!" mrs jeon wanted sooyoung to know what an impact she had on jungkooks life. 

"a-ah?" sooyoung just looked back at the older, not knowing how to reply "just please take care of him. he is very high maintenance yet you will be fine with him" sooyoung nodded, happy that she got acceptance. she couldn't ask her own parents so she felt good that at least one parental figure supported her. 

"thank you so much mrs jeon" sooyoung whispered "call me mom" mrs jeon said as she got up and left, not before winking at her, making the latter chuckle. 

sooyoung got up and went into jungkooks car; taehyung and hoyeon left with jimin and namjoon in jimins car. "what did you talk about?" jungkook asked as he reached out to hold sooyoungs hand "uh, she asked me about us" jungkook looked at her, shocked "what did you say?" 

"well, what's there to hide?" sooyoung asked, looking over at him with the fondest smile ever "I love you so much that I would paint it across the sky" sooyoung just giggled at her own comment while jungkook looked at her deeply "you really love me that much" jungkook asked, making sure "of course, your my favourite person in the world" sooyoung added, showing her sincerity 

jungkook contemplated on his next move, but after looking down at their intertwined hands, he made up his mind. 

"we need to go home quickly, tonight, im going to show you how much I love you"

(SMUT NEXT CHAPTER!!! okay but like I was avoiding this, I have never written one and I dont want it to be cringy so if it is, im sorry. ENJOY THIS CHAPTER AND SORRY FOR ANY MISTAKES!) 

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