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Her father had been right. She would make the right decision. She had known in her heart of hearts that Sam was not her forever, that she would one day have to make a decision. So she would court Rowan, get to know him; and when it was time for him to depart she would make her decision.

She had hoped that the act of courting would never have to be done. That she could just accept a proposal from a faraway royal and be done with it. But it scared her, making the time to get to know someone. Opening up her world to another had taken courage the first time; but to do it again... she didn't know how. With Sam it had come so easy. Naturally.

"Just a few weeks. We can organise it the traditional way, so you don't have to think about anything other than just getting to know him." Her parents had said, trying their best to take the weight of it all from her shoulders.

She had let her parents lead her back down to the great hall. The closer she got the more nervous she became. Aelin had always been the epitome of confidence, never balking or shying away from anything that was thrown her way. When she discovered her flame, she embraced it, learnt how to control it. But facing her mate seemed like a mountain too high to climb.

Silence fell as she entered the room. Orlon remained seated on his throne, Sellene now perched on a new throne beside his own. She was regal in her deep crimson dress, her white hair braided down one side, a crown of silver atop her head. Aelin curtseyed to her and apologised for her departure.

She did not tear her gaze from the two royals upon their thrones. She could sense the presence of Rowan in the room, could feel the bond pulsing between them. It took all her strength not to look towards him. She feared if she did that it would be over, and she would give in to that strange power that pulled them together.

"Sellene, I am pleased to introduce my niece Aelin Ashryver Galathynius. She is to take the throne when I eventually step aside."

Sellene did not smile as she took in Aelin. Nonetheless, she bowed her head once and nodded. "It is nice to meet you Aelin." A throat cleared to the side of Aelin. "I look forward to getting to know you whilst I am here."

"As do I, your majesty." Aelin curtseyed once more and wanted nothing more than to leave the room. She met the eyes of Aedion who gave her a questioning glance. She subtly shook her head in an I'll explain later way.

Orlon rose from the throne and clapped his hands together. "I think it is time to let our honoured guests find their rooms and freshen up before the feast this evening." He looked at Aelin, his eyes stern as he willed her to stay where she was.

When the room was finally empty she made her way to him. "I'm sorry I ran out like that."

"Your departure caused quite a stir. But, I understand."

A curious glance. "You do?"

"You were blindsided by your mate being here. No one blames you for escaping. Although the surprise on his face when he figured it out was quite hilarious." Orlon had always been good at putting her at ease. "You'll figure it out Aelin. And we'll support whatever decision you make."

"Even if you don't necessarily agree with it?" They walked towards the exit, the guards pretending not to listen, but would no doubt go and tell the others as soon as they were finished.

"Even then." Orlon had always been the level headed person to talk to. When her father became too protective or too opinionated; she would go to Orlon. "Go and get ready for dinner. And if you're lucky I'll make up an excuse for you to leave early."

Aelin laughed and kissed him on the cheek. She had made it all of five steps when she bumped into the back of someone who had been loitering in the hall. She went to apologise and scamper off, but the someone who she had run into turned around and she couldn't believe her luck. Rowan stood there, looking like he was waging a war within himself and she didn't know what to do. She couldn't run away, and she couldn't make up an excuse to get out of this one. He was her mate. The least she could do was acknowledge his existence.

She couldn't summon her usual wit, so she spoke the first thing that had entered her mind. "I'm sorry for running out like that. I was just surprised." This seemed like the most polite way out of this conversation.

"That makes two of us." He cleared his throat. The energy between them was electric and she didn't know how to stay still.

Gods, she had hoped she would have a couple of hours before she would need to have this conversation. And any hope of saving was scuppered as Orlon had already departed and was nowhere to be seen.

"I don't know the right thing to say here, Aelin." Her name on his lips was the most beautiful sound she had heard. It took her a moment to think. She studied Rowan for a second, admiring his eyes, the shape of his jaw, the muscles that bulged beneath his jacket. But then she thought of Sam and the moment ended. But guilt ravaged her as she though of another male whilst in front of her mate.

After another minute she finally found the words to say. "We are both new to this, I don't know what being... mates will mean. But I want to take it slow, take our time."

"Like courting?"

She shrugged. "If that's what you'd like to call it."

"I suppose I will take whatever you offer me."He gestured to the front of him. "May I escort you to your rooms?" He offered his arm to her. She knew what taking it would mean. That she would be accepting to begin whatever it was they may be starting. A small part of her wanted to refuse, but with the guards still listening to her conversation and not wanting to second guess any longer, she looped her arm through his own.

The moment their bodies touched was like knowing the the answer to life. She could've sworn she felt him shiver at the contact. Her body was humming with excitement, apprehension... nervousness. She could feel her magic thrumming beneath her skin, wanting out. But she remained composed, even if it was the hardest thing she had to do.

She had to take the long route to her rooms. Her usual route was far too private and hidden for her to take Rowan down. She feared the maids would talk if they saw them. So she took Rowan the main way, up the grand staircase and through the wide hallways of the palace. They remained in silence for a while before Rowan began speaking.

"I heard you possess fire magic? Have you been trained in using it?

"I do. I was trained everyday when I was younger, I stopped when I was fifteen. I train every month or so now. I sometimes practice on my own." She snuck a peek at him as they continued walking. He was deep in thought, his brows furrowed slightly.

"Perhaps I can practice with you whilst I am here."

She had never practiced with anyone other than her trainer before. She said as much.

"Practicing with other people is just as important as on your own. Your teacher should have known that." He almost growled the sentence out.

"My teacher is the best in Terrasen, I think he knew what he was doing." She sniped back.

"If he has three hundred years of training behind him, then perhaps I'll take your word for it."

Three hundred years. Was that how old he was? His face didn't look like it was older than twenty-five at best.

"I'm over three-hundred and fifty. If that's what you were thinking."

Holy Gods.

She couldn't reply as they stopped outside the door to her room. She merely bowed her head and slipped inside the room, leaving Rowan alone.

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