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The snow came soon enough. It covered everything in it's white blanket and brought a bitter chill to the air. Aelin had lived through twenty-one of these winters, but every time the weather turned, taking the last remnants of autumn with it, she found herself mourning the loss.

She surveyed the snow covered courtyard from her window, watching as the staff in charge of the garden swept the snow from the paths, small mounds of it building to the side. She could remember the times her and Aedion would push each other into them, making forts and snowmen from the massive mounds and when spring would begin to emerge those forts would be the last thing to disappear.

"I can't remember the last time I saw a winter like this." Rowan had snuck up behind her, his arms coming around her in a loving embrace. "I suppose I will have to get used to them if I'll be living here."

Aelin huffed. "If it was my choice I'd spend my winters somewhere hot and sunny. The cold is horrid." She rested her hands on Rowan's, snuggling closer. "I know you said Doranelle never felt quite like home... but do you think you'll miss it?"

He seemed to think a moment. "No. I don't think I will."

A knock at the door had them breaking apart.

"Aelin? Are you in there?"

Lysandra's voice was shaky on the other side of the door. Aelin looked to Rowan who had also noticed the slight tremor in her voice.

Aelin strode to the door and opened it to find a teary Lysandra, her face red and blotchy. She was clutching a handkerchief and sniffling as she looked at Aelin.

"Can I come in?"

"Of course, Lys." She beckoned her in, leading her to the bed, Rowan exiting the room as she did.

"I need your help." She let out a small hiccup and fell back onto the pillows. She wiped her nose and sniffed, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath.

"You're starting to scare me." Aelin crawled beside Lysandra, crossing her legs and watching as Lysandra held back the tears. "What is it?"

Lysandra hesitated for a moment, wiping more tears from her face.

"I'm pregnant."

Aelin tried not to let her shock show as she struggled to find words. Despite Terrasen being one of the more forward-thinking territories in Erilea... unwed mothers were still a taboo and Aelin hated to think it, but with Lysandra being so close to the royal family... it would make the situation more difficult. Not to mention how Aedion would react— assuming it was in fact his, Aelin hated to even think those thoughts.

"I wanted to tell you sooner... but I had hoped it wasn't true." Lysandra brought the handkerchief to her nose once more. "The healers confirmed this morning."

"I don't... have you told Aedion?"

Another sniffle. "I don't know how." She sat up, turning to sit knee to knee with Aelin. "I'm terrified because once he knows we have to tell everyone else, and then there is going to be a huge debate on how it's dealt with, and I just—" Aelin leant over and held Lysandra and began stroking her hair as she cried.

"We'll figure it out Lys. Whatever happens."

"I'm so scared."

Aelin held her tighter. "I know. But you're a member of this family and you'll have all our support." She let go and faced Lysandra. "Do you want me to be there when you tell him?"

Lysandra hesitated and then nodded.


Another nod.

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