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Aelin and Sam worked methodically through the books, Aelin sneaking some to the side so she could take them back with her. They would sometimes stop to laugh at a ridiculous blurb or reminisce over their shared love of a book.

When she had noticed the heavy snow outside she had gone to get her horse. She placed her in a nearby stable and had made sure she was fed and warm before heading back to Sam's. The owners of the stable had— like always— refused any payment, but Aelin had left a couple of gold coins on the side before she had left.

When she had made her way back up the street she glanced to the bakery across the street and noticed it looked relatively quiet. She spied the pastries and cakes through the windows and her stomach growled. She supposed her and Sam could do with some sustenance. She deviated from Sam's door and entered the warm shop, smiling at the owner who greeted her with a cheery hello.

She stared at the display for a while, unable to make a decision. She apologised to the owner for taking such a long time and they had merely laughed and told her not to worry.

It was a couple of minutes later when she exclaimed, "I'd like one of everything please."

The owner laughed. "You must be hungry today."

"Starving." She grinned.

The owner who was slightly rounder than the last time she had seen them, and she smiled to herself when she scented the child they were expecting. She didn't say anything, instead Aelin watched intently as the owner started to pile the goods into boxes. "Did you need help carrying them?"

Aelin shook her head. "It's only across the road. I'm sure I can manage." She handed over some money, the owner insisting it was too much but Aelin refused any change. She piled the boxes into her arms— with a little help— and strode back across the street before entering Sam's again.

He looked up when he heard the bell and huffed a laugh. "No wonder you were gone so long." He started to take boxes from her arms. "Are we feeding an army?"

Aelin scowled. "I figured you hadn't eaten in what looks like a while and I'm always hungry."

They spread out the food and silently dug in. Aelin leant against a wall and studied the empty space around her. It felt so much larger without the books in here, the ceiling so much taller than she remembered.

The silence stretched on a while before Sam spoke. "I'm going back to Rifthold."

Aelin looked to him. He avoided her gaze and stared out the window.

"Oh." The only response she could manage.

"I received a letter from Arobynn Hamel. He has offered me a place in his Guild."

She put her food down. "But your mother..."

Sam shrugged. "I have nowhere else to go."

"Sam. Your mother died so you would be free of that man. You cannot seriously be going back there."

Sam stood, Aelin peering up at him from her spot on the floor. "He's offering me a salary— more than anything I'd ever make here or anywhere else. I'll have a place to live, food on the table every day. I can't say no."

"But it's Arobynn. You yourself said he's not a good person."

He ran his hands through his hair. "I know that, Aelin. But honestly, it's the best option I have. The Southern Continent is not an option anymore, I don't want to stay here and there's nowhere else on this godforsaken continent that is appealing." He looked down to her. "I also don't have the luxury of being able to choose. I don't have your money, or your status. I don't have any skills, it's either Rifthold or go back to being an apprentice for pittance."

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