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The air was cold and the snow whipped around Aelin's face as she made her way through the forest to the gate that lead to the city. She had debated using her old shortcut across the river, but it had felt too much like old habits.

Rowan walked by her side, his body a solid presence beside her. He had not said a word since they had left, she had figured it was nothing to do with her but more to do with seeing Sam — who had not made a good first impression on the fae male.

Their footsteps crunched in the snow and Aelin was thankful for her flame in times like these. Rowan seemed unfazed by the cold wind that blew around them— she supposed with his ice magic he was used to it.

The gate had been left open, the wind banging it against the post. Rowan held it open for her and she slipped through. Rowan was a couple of steps behind her but she could feel his gaze on her. She twirled round and stopped.

"You don't have to do this. I can go alone."

He shook his head. "You're not going alone." He stepped around her and continued towards Orynth.

Aelin jogged to catch up with him, pushing her hair from her face. "Nothing will happen. He's not going to do anything. I can also protect myself."

"I'm not worried about that. I know you can protect yourself."

She rolled her eyes. "Then why are you coming? Sam is going to think—" She paused.

"What?" Rowan stopped in his tracks.

"You're jealous." Aelin made her way to stand in front of him. "You don't want me to be alone with Sam."

"Can I not just accompany my mate somewhere without being questioned?"

Aelin laughed. "Of course. But you don't have to lie to me, I actually find it sweet."

He glared at her. "It's not sweet and I'm not here because I'm jealous."

Aelin began walking ahead. "Whatever you say, Rowan."

He growled and grasped her arm to spin her around. "I'm not jealous. I just can't stand the thought of you alone with him after how he made you feel and what he said."

Aelin tried not to smile at his protectiveness.

"I don't know why you look so happy about this."

She nudged his side. "Because I kind of like protective Rowan, it's a new side to you." Aelin wrapped her arm through his own. "But you don't have to feel worried about Sam, he's harmless. Our romantic ship has sailed and what he said to me... it was probably warranted — considering everything."

He let out a hmph but held her closer. "I still don't like how he spoke to you. And I know nothing romantic is going on, but if it was me going to see someone I had been intimate with, would you be totally okay with it?"

Aelin didn't have a response to that. He was right. She hated the thought of Rowan being with anyone else, or even being in the same room as a woman he had bedded before.

"We've only been mated for a few weeks Aelin, the first years can be volatile for a male. So you have to be patient with me."

Aelin didn't respond. Houses and small shops started to line the streets as they made their way further into Orynth. The snow was heavier than before, the flakes settling on the cobbled path, the sky dark with clouds.

"Maybe you should wait outside whilst I go in."

They had stopped outside of the library, the familiar oak door, the sign above, it felt odd to be here during the day— Aelin had been so used to sneaking here in the dead of night, praying that no one would spot her as she crept through the streets of Orynth. Aelin tried not to dwell on the wave of sorrow that went through her. She hadn't realised she missed it as much as she did. Sam knew her as well as anyone, and she hadn't realised she missed talking and laughing with him. She lost a friend in the process and it tore at her. She stared at the door a moment longer before turning herself to Rowan.

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