Chapter 2

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Me and Tink was at the Mall looking for Outfits but manily for her but I looked for some too. Since my Mother worked Crazy hours at the Hospital and my Father is dealing with 2 jobs we don't have a lot if family time like we use to so they just pass us the money and we have to spend it wisely but they gave us extra for shopping.

"Sis what about this, oo oh look at this one. Okay which is better? Royal Blue or All Black and Gold". She said holding up outfits.

"Ehh since its a party Black and Gold". I said fake smiling.

"Okay I got your size to since we look like Twins we gonna dress like them to".

"BUT that shows a lot of skin I-

"Come on D".

She paid for the stuff and she pulled me out the store, finally we found something. I'm kinda happy I'm not at home on a Saturday eating snacks and watching Fresh off the boat.

We had to stop because my sister had to hug some hood looking boy, she can be a bit hoeish if she single but I gave her props for being Loyal in relationships.

"You sliding to my party tonight". The boy  said.

"Yeah me and my sister will".

They all deverted their eyes on me, dang I hate attention.

"Alright see you then, and you too Cutie".

I looked at my sister was he talking to me? She just smiled and pulled me and we left the mall.


"Dutches you have to look extra fine because Dre likes you and it's his party so he definitely will be looking for you". Tink said curling my hair.

"I don't even know this guy Tink what I gotta look cute for?". I said looking in the magazine.

"Oh you will hunty you will, lemme do your makeup and eyebrows". She turned the chair around.

I'm doing everything she wanted me too, she swear he will kiss me tonight so she keep making me eat gum but ain't none of that. We both was fully dress I wanted her to do my hair last, she poked and sharpened my eyebrows I can't lie they was cute then she added extra stuff I'm just a lip stick type of girl.

"Okay let's go".

I stood up and carefully walked down the stairs I am so nervous .

"Aww look at my two girls, I'm so proud of you Dutches this will be your first Party". My mom said examing us.

"Them dresses is too short but I guess they will do I know Tink had something to do with this".

She rolled her eyes and we walked out the door and got in the car. Tink started driving fast so we got there fast.

Cars was everywhere, we had to park a block away from the party. We got out and started walking like everybody else did.

When we made it in Nasty by T-Wayne was blaring through the speakers. I looked around and notice it was way more dudes then girls was here but it was a lot .

Tink grabbed a shot and drank it like it was water she offered me some but I declined.

She pulled me on the dance floor and danced I tried to keep up but this ain't my cup of tea.

"Come on sis your not about to a wall stander, dance girl get a little lose".

I can't really because its too many people, I shook my head no and went to the bathroom. I locked the door and looked in the mirror I ain't feeling this. I walked out and walked towards the door I need some air. I twisted the knob but Dre grabbed my arm before I could go out.

"Where you going so fast". He said stepping in front of the door.

He looked High and he had a red cup in his hand.

"I'm just not feeling this right now". I said not wanting to talk.

"You can come with me, I can show you a good time just Trust me you'll be fine".

I looked around then looked up at him. I nodded my head yes I guess I'll try. He grabbed my hand and he pushed people out the way and we walked up to I guess the VIP area. Girls gave me smiles but other girls below me gave me mugs and death glares. I looked at my sister she smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.

"So is your name really Shy?". He said giving me his full attention.

"No its Dutches".

"Oh my fault everybody always say that's your name but I wanna know more about you".

I didn't want to but he asked me question and I answered with no problem I opened up a little but I wasn't all the way there . At the end of the night he had me smiling and blushing and we exchanged numbers.

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