Chapter 12

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"I wanna have your babies Monty". I whispered in his ear.

"I ain't ready for no Baby".

I stopped kissing on him and looked at him. I need a baby by him so he won't leave me.

"Why you stop".

I just got up and went in the kitchen to get me a glass of water.

"Tink what is wrong".

"All you do is wanna have sex with me. Im ready to be wifey,have kids,move in together!!! But no Monty this all me do you take me to a nice place and fuck me I want cars,bags,clothes,shoes.. You never even say you love me it hurts man". I said letting the tears fall I wanted to say more but my voice was cracking up.

He tried to come get me a hug but I denied it. I want him to beg for me if he don't we not meant but shit I don't care.

"Me and My sister is about to go". I said walking pass him.

He need treat me like a Diamond, I grabbed my phone and purse. He looked so heartbroken but it's his fault.

I walked on the shore trying to get on the other side, I've been here twice. I knocked on their beach house, it took them forever Dre finally opened the door with his shirt off but Monty abs is better.

"Where the Hell is my sister?". I questioned.


"Dre Move".

I walked in and Looked around for  her, she was in the bedroom knocked out.

"Dutches,Dutches". I shook her.

"What?". She groaned.

"Get up im ready to go home".

She finally sat up and rubbed her eyes, I noticed she had on a Bra and her clothes was all over the floor. I started giggling.

"He popped that Cherry, Bout Time". I said sitting on the bed.

"Shut up, I don't see whats all the hype about Sex it hurts".

"You will get use to it then you will see, I wanna go Home Dutches".

"What's wrong Tink?".

"Me and Monty got into a arguement and I don't wanna look at his face".

"Who gonna take us home?".

"I will call a cab".

She stood and put her clothes back on and fixed her hair. She better quit walking like that Mom gonna figure she lost it.

"Tink just let them take us home then you can do whatever".

"Yeah you right".

Dre nosey ass came in making sure she okay... He need to get off like that it annoy me and he not even talking to me.

"Yeah Tink ready to go home so..".

"Alright imma call Monty yall can go to the car".

We both left out the house and walked to the car. I seen Monty ugly ass I sat in the backseat with Dutches.I know it's about to be a lot of tension in this car.


Aww Man Tink ruined it but oh well I guess. She ran out the car when they dropped us off, I told them  Bye and Thanks for the ride.

"I'll Text you later". Dre said giving me a kiss.


I walked up to the house still sore as hell. My mom or Dad was here good im happy.

"So how was it, he had a condom?". Tink asked.

"Yeah but it Broke so I told him Hell No but then he said something about pull out or something". I said grabbed some grapes.

"What the Fuck Dutches, Don't ever have Sex without one ! Dont listen to them niggas when they talk about that Pullout shit.. It only take one time and your not even on birth control".

"Im sorry, I should've never fell for it".

Dutches how could you be so stupid??

"You better hope his Pullout Game was strong like these niggas always say". She added.

"Yeah ion think anything will happen".

"I got to make some runs don't wait up".

I nodded and went right upstairs to sleep.

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