Chapter 10

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"So Dre I didn't know about this little party". I said laying in bed on Facetime.

"You don't need no Invite you just automatically come Dutches".

"Have you like mess with or know some girl named Diamond or something".

"I ain't never date no Diamond but I know a few why wassup?".

"Oh nothing, im kinda tired Dre".

"Nah you about to talk to me until you fall asleep".

I sucked my teeth and continue to talk to him....


Next Day..

I hopped out the shower and wrapped the towel around my body and started curling my hair. I had my outfit set out. It wasn't to hoeish but it wasn't to overdress for a party. I just has a cute Fitted Dress embracing all my curves. I thought about maybe im just gonna do a cute updo.

"Here let me do it for you". My sister said standing in the doorway.

I did a weak smile and let her come and help me.

"Your outfit is cute, You gotta look the best out of all them bitches and Dre is gonna wanna show you offto his nigga and this gonna be the first time".

"You right, you coming?".

"Yeah Im bored as hell,and im done".

"Thank Sis".

This been the longest we ever talked lately. I looked at my hair and it looked cute. I hurried and got dress trying not to mess my hair up I should've done it before I did my hair.

I added my accessories and picked what shoes I want to wear.

"Mom said we can take her car".

"Okay I'm ready".

We both left out the house and I texted Dre and said I was on my way.

"We about to go right up to VIP".

I looked around and it was kinda packed, My sister pushed people out the way so rudely but we finally made it to the VIP section. I seen Dre looking fine as hell. Like Damn That's all Mine? He glanced at me then stood up so fast, he gave me a hug and a quick kiss.

"You look beautiful". He said giving me another kiss.

"Thanks you look handsome yourself". I smiled.

I looked to my right my sister wasn't there nobody there. He took my hand and Tink was right he was tryna show me off to his little friends. I looked around and seen Diamond staring me down, I rolled my eyes.

"Damn Dre you did a huge Upgrade from that one LightSkin with a bad Attitude". One of his friends said.

"Yeah this my baby, come on Dutches".

He took me to a more private area away from people,this boy got a big house.

"Dre why you host party and don't like be with the crowd".

"I did but just not right now this is not half the people thats coming, they coming".

"Oh Wow".

"Yeah it haven't started yet, let's go over there".

I got up, I seen Tink going in the back looking sneaky, I wonder what's been up with her. But right now I really dont care, Im focused on Dre and gotta be alert just in case.


It was quarter till 4 when Dre dropped me off since Tink just left me.

"Dre you sure you good? Make sure you drink this water".

"Yeah im good, I will feel better  if you stayed".

"Im just not feeling good text me when you get home".

"Alright Babe".

I kissed him and got out the car, I climbed to my room and got. I heard my momma and Daddy arguing over something.

I took my clothes off and got in my bed. I heard my mother scream in pain daddy must be beating her again. Tears went  my face, I just gotta keep my head up. He always does this since I was child.

I rolled over and got my earphones and cried to myself.

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