Chapter 15

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-As you guys know this book is at the end. I wanted this to be a short simple story so I promised myself I would stop at 15...Thank you for reading and a special thank you for the ones who was voting and commenting...Fyi them comments dry as hell and I don't like when people say "Update" I been updating this book more than 1 once everyday.. I like this book but It's a short story and I haven't been updating my other books just so I can finish this book..But Imma stop talking Enjoy!


2 weeks later...

"Bye Dutches". Mike who owns the Store said.

"Bye Have a Nice Night". I said zipping my coat up.

I couldn't get in contact from my mom so I had to walk home. I can't believe one little accident could have a baby growing inside me. I haven't told anybody im 3 1\2 weeks pregnant I wanna cry everytime I think of it. I kinda want a abortion I been saving my checks Im so close to getting one. It's ashame nobody could say Happy Birthday to me I called off work but I wanted to come in I wasn't doing anything. It's so Nippy at night im like freezing and I got 10 mins to go. I looked at phone I still didn't have any messages. I heard footsteps walking behind me so I turned around for a glance but nobody was there. I walked a little faster. I stopped at the crosswalk but it was a truck coming. I waited until it turned but the car didn't turn...Maybe they looking at they phone. The window rolled down and it was Dre I haven't seen him in a month so I kinda just stared at him.

"Get in". He said Lowly.

I looked around and debated but I needed to tell him about getting a abortion because I ain't ready. I got in the truck and he pulled off.

"What you want". I said looking at him.

"I wanted to tell you Happy Birthday and wanted to talk I ain't on no bullshit".

"What I need to talk about is if you can take me the clinic to kill this baby because of you". I said Harshly.

He hit the brake so hard, my body went forward.

"Abortion? Dutches you better stop talking crazy why you didn't tell me you was pregnant im the last nigga to know. What type of shit is that".

"Don't even go there, After all that shit you was saying why would I... I can't take care of No Baby and you was the first to know. My mom and Dad is gonna kill me . And what im suppose to tell my child when they say where my daddy at? Imma say he asssumed I was plotting on him and I wasn't I was just tryna be there for you I changed for you... If you really think about it I don't know where you stash your money, or drugs.. You kept all that stuff away from me if Tink never told me that you were a drug dealer I wouldn't know me and her are two different people. Dre I could say I loved you at one point but I guess shit change". I said finally breaking down.

He tried to touch my arm but. I pushed it away.. After all them Nights I just wanted him to come to his senses now he realize.

"Im sorry Dutches like foreal. But let's say Monty plotted against your sister and took all her money and sent her to jail amd you know that were brothers you gonna think im gonna do the same".

"Yes Maybe I would think but I wouldn't assume and diss you to the curb like that Dre". I wipe away my tears.

"Dre please go you got cars beeping". I said getting a tissue out my purse.

He had the saddest look on his face then he stepped on the gas.

"Dre you missed the turn, I don't want to be at your house".

He didn't say anything and of course he pulled up to his house. He got out but I stayed in. I missed him but I'm not gonna run back to him he don't know how much pain I went through.

"Come on Dutches, Please". He said pulling me out the Truck.

"I told you I wanted to go home".

He carried me in the house and went upstairs. He kinda strong but I ain't gonna fill his head up.

He just carefully sat me down on his bed.

"I'm Sorry Dutches, I wasnt thinking t all. I love you we gonna be together forever, and imma make sure Dre Jr well be straight it hurted me that you would try to kill my son Dutches". He said trailing kisses down my neck.

I pushed him back I will not have sex with him.

"Dre having a baby can mess up your whole life if your young, I didn't know if you would ever talk to me or you would deny it was yours so i've been saving.. I don't want my parents to find out they will be do disappointed at me and kick me out".

"What's mine is yours, look at all this its perfect to raise Dre Jr".

"You don't know if its a boy and it wont be a jr".

"Yes it is".

He lifted up my shirt and kissed it, he looked at me and pressed his lips on mines. This time I let him I'm such punk when it comes to him my child is gonna be spoiled.... Sometimes you just gotta bring those Shy Girls out and that's what Dre did.

The End..

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