Chapter 3

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I brushed my teeth and washed my face,I unwrap my hair and walked out the bathroom. Its about 2 and my sister is still knocked out. I went downstairs and I seen my father I was very surprised.

"Hey Dutches".

I just waved and grabbed a pancake my mom fixed.

"Well I'm off to work see you later".

I watched him leave out then Tink came down the stairs with her hair all over her head .

"Ughh I have a headache". She said getting a water bottle sitting down.

"Soo I peeped you and Dre well almost everybody did! Don't leave any details out".

"He was just asking me question and flirting with me I got his number to".

"Awww Young Couples are so cute but are the worst when they break up". She faked cried.

"Whatever so what you doing today".

" Remember the Dude I hugged at the mall next to Dre.. Well he want me to come over and bring my bikini since they got a big pool".

"Oh where you swimming at?".

"They House duhh your coming to".

"No I'm fine staying here".

"I dont want to hear it".

I finished eating and threw my plate away . I'm not going with her at all, the door bell rang and she quickly ran to the door letting someone in probably her boyfriend.

"Dre she right in there".

My heart stopped when I heard his name I shouldve put some Black Joggers on instead of these Boy Shorts. He walked in the kitchen and his eyes landing straight to my body I dont like stuff like that, so I turn around and acted like I was cleaning the counters.

"Hey Dutches". He said with a little smirk.

"Hey Dre". I said not knowing what to say.

"So you coming with us, I really want you to".

I turned around and seen Tink behind Dre signaling me to say yes. I looked back up to Dre he had a basic outfit on.

"Um Sure why not". I finally said.

"Alright Cool then you might wanna pack something ".

I put the rag down and went upstairs with Tink behind me.

"We gotta look because I don't know if other girls gonna be there and we need to be the sisters they want, you do want Dre dont you?".

"Tink I just met him we might just end up friends and that's it, im not sweating it".

I looked through my shopping bag and pulled out my Pink Bikini and a extra outfit just in case I don't know.

I put my black joggers on and we went downstairs, We was all set so we left but I was nervous I played with my nails. I looked at Tink's Boyfriend he looked a bit older but all I know is that Dre and him are bestfriend. The sun was out it was perfect to go "swimming".

"Dre you and Shy get in the back let my baby sit in the front". Monty said.

"Her name is Dutches Monty". Dre said opening the door for me giving him a side glare.

"I apologize Dutches". He said.

I just nodded my head and looked out the window.


Well Tink was right they invited alot of girls, I feel like the ugliest here right now. I stood next to Tink we were about to get in the pool but she started talking to people something I would never do.

"Whats wrong Sis?". She said facing me.

"I didn't know it was gonna be so many people that's all".

"Do worry if anybody mess with you tell them hoes you have a sister".

I nodded my head and listened to everything she said.

"Go talk to Dre he's ov-- ohh".

She paused so I looked over at Dre and he had a girl sitting on his lap and other girls around him with smiles on all they face. I turned back around and Tink looked at me awakardly drinking her wine the slowly walked away.

I shook my head and went back in his house to grab my stuff. I put my shorts on with my Love Pink Half Shirt and left out his house.

My house was all the way on the other side of town. I started walking until I could see a bus station or something.

I seen one coming up so I sat down and played on my phone but it went dead, its not gonna be like anybody gonna know I left. I seen the bus turning around the corner... Perfect.

I got my money out my wallet and got on the bus. I wonder why I reacted like I did there might be a small chance I like Dre but more of a crush I guess Jealousy hit me.

I leaned my head on the window and waited until it was my stop.


It was around 1 am when Tink came knocking on my window again. I rolled over and opened it for her and pushed her up.

"Dutches why didn't you tell me you was leaving, you had me and Dre worried he even told everybody to leave". She yelled.

"I just didnt wanna be there Im sorry Tink I just wanted to go home". I said feeling bad now.

"Me and him blew up your phone where is it?".

"Its still dead in my bag".

"Give him a chance okay? A boy never did that for me if it was me a nigga would've kept the party going and talk to me later".

"This is all going to fast Tink why is he on me it only been one day?".

"Sometimes it can take one converstation to have someone wanna learn more maybe that one night he was with you he wanted you but Dutches whatever you do take it slow.. Don't yell at him for little reason like if he look at a girls ass its natural I mean I aint gay but sometimes I be like dammnn when I see girls with big butts but just dont be that clingy type like wanting to know every move they boyfriend make.. Just sleep on it k?".


I turned around and thought about what she was saying.

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