Chapter 7

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Dre in the Mm**


I put my books in my locker and hurried up and went to my next class. Every girl been staring at me today Im really getting annoyed. I sat at my desk and looked around girls was whispering. Miranda walked over to, Not this again.

"How you like the Fame? I aplogize from the other day".

"What you mean Fame?".

"You didn't see the instagram picture?".

"No but wassup Show me".

I folded my arms and waited for her to get the picture. She handed me her phone and it was a picture of me and Dre when he was taking off guards last night, we was just playing around.

Dree: MINE right here, I can give a fuck about yours

I smiled inside but not out, why they mad and why Dre put that caption at least I was looking cute.

"So why they staring at me?".

"Look they want you got Dutches, if you really messing around with him make sure you don't let these bitches get a hold of him".

I sat back down and just thought. Is Dre claiming me on Social Media's now? Why is these girls always watching my every move?.


I walked in the house after my long day at hell (school). I kinda didn't wanna be in here but shoot Where else im gonna go.

I got my phone off the charger I left this morning. Dre texted me 3 times and a whole bunch of girls followed me on Instagram. I need to talk to Dre about this when I see him again, he can't just do that without my permission.

"Hey Dutches". Tink said coming downstairs.

"Hey, what you do today?". I said getting my gummy bears.

"Nothing just looked for a job and slept,how was your day?".

"It was kinda bad".

"Why what happened?".

"Girl's don't like me because theu think me and Dre talk".

"So! Who cares what they think, they mad".

"Yeah you right".

I sat down and my phone began to vibrate. I tapped the screen I just spoke him up.

Dree: Come outside

I read the text and told Tink I was leaving. I walked outside and got in the car.

"Wassup Dutches". He said leaning over tryna give me a hug.

I gave him a hug and put my seatbelt on.

"Can I ask you something?".

"Yeah wassup?".

"Um nothing Nevermind".

"Come on tell me now".

"Uh why you put that picture up?".

"Because I wanted to, why something happned?".

"No I was just curious".

We talked a little back and fourth it  was taking a long time. He finally pulled up to some mall. We only come here unless we get taxes or something it's so expensive like very. He got out the car so I did the same.  He stopped in the middle of the parking lot and grabbed my hand and we both walked in.

The only people that be here is tbose White Rich Folks when you come here everybody watch you because they gone think you tryna steal something.

We walked in the Shoe store first since this the only thing on this side.

"What size you wear?". He asked me.

"Size 7". I said looking around.

"Stay right here".

I looked around the store. So what does this mean? Taking me the store? Buying me Shoes?

He came back with 4 boxes of shoes and sat next to me.

"Man I had to get these Barcelona Days Jordan's me and you got the same  and I grabbed These". He said sounding so happy he must be a sneakerhead.

I didn't know what to say I was lost for words. He got the Lola's to I kinda wanted those.

"Thank you really Dre you don't have to buy me things to s--

"Save it Dutches, I told wassup Last Night and I always keep my word.. We having even started come on".

He grabbed my hand and we was on to the next store.


Dre helped me bring my bags in, I think this was by far the best days I spent with me he made me smile the whole day.

"This the last one". He said looking at me.

"Thank you I had so much fun with you". I said pulling him into a hug and taking the bag.

I gave him a quick peck on his cheek and he acted like I gave him a millon dollars.

"Really Dre?". I said folding my arms.

"Can I have another?".

I stood up and gave him another peck on the cheek, but he grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips. I don't know how to kiss like at all. So I followed him he was going nice and slow with his tongue in my mouth... It was so weird he know how to do everything and im so clueless so I just enjoyed him. He bit my lip a little and looked at me with a little smirk.

"I'll text you later". He said thinking about something hard.

I kinda  stood there froze they got back to reality. I chuckled to myself and shut the door back. I turned around my Mother was standing there with a mean face.

"Shy do you know what time it is? You out there with some Hood Looking Boy?". My mother spoke.

"You think because he buying you little things he want you? Well guess what he don't! One Day you come home with all the latest clothes and flaunting around stuff your boy got you next you running home crying talking about you hate him and your pregnant...Shy I ain't dumb I been your age". She added.

"He's just a friend Mom, and I'm not those other girls last time I checked My name is Dutches not Shy". I spat back.

"Little Girl if you don't get your little shenanigans and go up to your room, your grounded... That's right me and your father been talking I quit my job to take care of y'all it's gonna be some new rules around here".

I rolled my eyes and took all my stuff upstairs and Tink was in there typing something on her computer.

"I fucking hate them". I mumbled putting my stuff done.

"Dre bought you all that?". She said getting up.

"Yeah I had a great time with him".

"You got Gucci, Uggs, Victoria Secret,Polo...etc. Damn did y'all fuck?".

"Tink of Course not".


She went back to whatever she was doing. I looked at all the pictures we took today...Is I'm feeling him ?

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