Chapter 6

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Tink In the Mm**

I crawled down the window and Dre grabbed my waist and I fell into his arms.

I smiled at him and helped Tink down she was about to Fall. We all jogged back to the truck it was starting to rain hard anyways.

"Wassup Tink and Dutches". Monty said pulling off.

"Hey". We both said.

I hope we won't get in trouble for this I thought to myself.  I got in the back of the truck and he pulled off. I swaer fucking around with Tink.


I sat on the couch and went down my twitter feed even though it's dead since it's late. I feel alone Tink and Monty probably upstairs being freaky upstairs and Dre he was in the kitchen doing something. Guess I will mess with him.

"What you doing". I said walking up behind him.

"Nothing counting my money, sorry I'm was taking to long".

"Oh your fine...".

I wonder do he like me? Or do he wanna use me for sex? It's all a blur to me. But you will know when your relationship start off bitter sweet and he doing everything you like then a couple months later he start acting demanding and wanna be all up on you and get mad when you say no... That's how I will know I guess.

"I kinda wanna chill in my room you coming? Or we can stay".

"We can go upstairs I guess".

Now I was getting nervous, This is all new to me so I got to be alert.

I went passed Monty room I heard the tv on and that's about it. I didnt think we were staying here like that.

He climbed in his bed and chilled. I walked in slowly and looked around. His room was Black and Gray and it was pretty clean he had poster of Tupac and other Urban Artist.

I sat on the corner of his bed, I don't wanna be all cuffed up with him. I barely know him still.


I turned around and he had a blank expression written on his face.

"Come up here, get comfortable I am not about to do anything to you. I promise you".

I looked down and moved up there leaving lots of room between us.

He shook his head at me and turned on the tv.

"Talk to me Dutches, wassup with all this babygirl shy stuff... You act like you never like been with a Man before. Something on your mind". He said turning the tv down.

Oh lord, how do he know this? I didnt wanna tell him he's like the only boy other then cousin I like really been with. I feel like a trust him but can't trust smiles. If I tell him he might think im weird.

"I'm not use to this Dre, your like the first boy I actually talk to and do stuff with I never had a boyfriend, friends that's boy, first kiss, nothing... So it's just all new I aplogize I'm acting like this". I said playing with my zipper on my purse.

I looked over at him and he really didn't say anything, I felt so stupid telling him the truth.

"I see what you mean, I thought you wasn't feeling my vibe or something since I'm your first I'm gonna show you how you suppose to be treated not only im gonna be your first im gonna  be your last.. Alright?".

I didn't know did he mean as a friend or a little more but I don't want him to go fast because im taking little baby steps.


He pulled me closer to him, I wanted to fight it but I stayed put with him.


It was 6 in the morning when we climbed back in the window. The door was still locked so we was still safe. We both looked at each other and smiled.

"Im so tired, I didnt know we was gonna sleep over there sorry Sis". Tink whispered.

"Its okay".

I was tired to, I put my clothes down. I grabbed my yoga pants and shirt after this shower... Lights out for me.

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