thirty one

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       ALLURA OPENED HER EYES. SHE COUGHED A BIT, wiped her forehead and stopped when she felt liquid on her hand. She looked at it and groaned at the sight of the fresh blood on her fingers.

       She stood up slowly, groaning as she looked at her left foot, where a piece of the compound blocked her ability to move. She couldn't hear properly, and she was sure that the only thing that had saved her was the super soldier serum in her veins.

       She felt arms on her shoulders, and saw Steve pushing the stone from her foot and checking it, nodding in reassurance when he saw that it was fine.

       She was helped to stand by Tony, and she could faintly hear him as he asked if she was alright. She nodded, covering her ears with her hands and putting slight pressure so that her hearing would come back properly.

      When it worked, she looked at the two heroes in shock.

       "This wasn't part of the plan, was it?" She joked slightly, Tony shaking his head with a small relieved smile.

        "Not at all. But you should know, Ljós..."

       "Time is a fragile little thing." She interrupted him. Tony nodded.

       "Where did we mess up?" Steve asked. Allura shook her head, her green eyes closing in slight pain.

       "When we travelled through time, we messed up. Just the action itself." Steve nodded in comprehension as he sighed. "Where's Natalia? Where's the rest of the team?" Allura asked, crestfallen when she saw the looks on their faces.

       "Scattered, most likely. But they're alright, I'm sure." Tony spoke. "Now let's see what the hell is going on." The three walked around the destroyed compound, Allura noticing the wounds on her legs and arms and flinching at the sight.

       When the adrenaline was gone, that would hurt for sure.

       The three found Thor, looking at a particular spot. They walked towards him, and when they saw what he was looking at, they couldn't believe their eyes.

       It was him. It was the Destroyer of Worlds...


       "What's he been doing?" Tony asked.

       "Absolutely nothing." Thor replied, his eyes not leaving his new target.

       "Where are the stones?" Steve asked, Tony waving his hand.

       "Somewhere over all of this."

       "I hope somebody's found them." Allura spoke, Tony agreeing.

       "He doesn't have them."

       "So we keep it that way." Steve said, Allura nodding.

       "He's waiting. This is probably-"

        "A trap." Thor interrupted her mid sentence.


       "Yeah. I don't much care." Tony mused, Allura chuckling.

        "Good." Thor said, Allura sighing. "Just as long as we're all in agreement." His eyes glowed, and thunder was heard from the clouds, making Allura smirk slightly. The God extended his hands, and his two hammers flew right to them, his clothes changing to the ones she had seen back in 2018.

       "So. Do we fall for his trap?" Allura asked, Thor looking at her with a knowing glance.

        "Let's kill him properly this time."

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