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IT WASN'T LIKE SHE HADN'T heard their voices before. She had. Whenever she visited them with her abilities and she'd talk to them, she'd listen to them as well. Whenever she was going to make a difficult decision, she could always hear them in the back of her mind, encouraging her to follow what she thought was right and reassuring her that everything would be alright.

       But it was so real now.

       They were right there, in front of her, smiling at Steve and receiving him as an old friend.

       Allura spotted her little brother and hugged him tightly, now fully in control of her mind and smiling against his shoulder as the siblings reunited for the first time in two years.

       "You look horrible." Allura joked, Ezekyel rolling his eyes but hugging her back just as tight with a small chuckle leaving his lips.

       "Well, not all of us had the luxury of being frozen for the past twenty four months."

       "Oh, lucky me." She responded sarcastically, breaking my from the hug and observing his face. "I missed you."

       "Me too."

       Her green eyes were just like Nadenka had pictured them. They contrasted her pale skin perfectly and shone bright even with the probability of a fight. It was then that she realized that she had her mother's skin tone, and her mouth and lips had changed from being her father's shape to Allura's. Her strawberry blonde hair fell loose against her shoulders just like her own blonde one, and it had a braided headband on top of her head.

       She was beautiful.

       Then, her eyes landed on her father, who was hugging her uncle Steve as a small joke escaped his lips.

      "How you been, Buck?" Steve asked him, patting his shoulder.

       "Not bad, for the end of the world."

       It was clear that, no matter how much she looked like Allura, Nadenka got most of her looks from her father. Her eyes were the same ocean blue, she had his same eye shape, and somewhat innocent look in her gaze. The bridge of her nose was just like his, but then became like her mother's, and their foreheads were also shockingly alike.

       As greetings stopped, Allura and James resumed the task they had approached the people with. Their eyes scanned the crowd like machines, looking for the blonde that they had been longing to hold in their arms, trying to find the little girl that they adored so much.

       And there she was.

       The three locked eyes, Steve and Ezekyel backing away slightly as Nadenka tightened her hold on Pietro's hand before letting go of it and feeling a nervous sigh escape her mouth.

      Green met blue and blue met blue and it seemed like it was meant to be. The tension wasn't thick, and their thoughts weren't running wild— in fact, for the first time in their lives, Allura and Nadenka did not overthink. And for the first time in his life, James didn't react.

       They stood. They analyzed each other, and just held their breaths for a few seconds.

       James and Allura observed their little girl.

       She was absolutely stunning (even in her Nike sports bra and Avengers sweater— which, had no zipper, so was open).

       Her blonde hair fell on her shoulder just like Allura's. Her confused eyes reminded James of his love but her hopeful expression reminded Allura of James.

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