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ALLURA SAT DOWN ON THE small table, her hand holding her fork as she played with the pasta in front of her. There was a glass of lemon water to her left, and a napkin on her right. Her hair was loose on her shoulders, freshly cut. Her green eyes had mascara and green eye shadow in different shades. Her lips were pursed, and covered with soft pink lipstick.

Her gaze was lost. So many thoughts were running through her head, her breathing barely heard as she shut her eyes closed. She had traced every detail of her palm for the past hour, her hunger diminishing the more she did.

She could eat human food, she could drink H2O, she could live without hydrogen and with a normal aging process. Everything was alright.

Except for the fact that she had been out of cryo freeze for three months and she couldn't see James, she couldn't see her brother, she didn't have her abilities, her body was drained—since it now had less than zero percent of Jupiterian genetics— and what bothered her most: she couldn't see her daughter... her little girl.

Her Nadenka had grown up unnaturally. She was told that she'd grow up seventeen years in one and turn eighteen years in two, approximately, for the stone to adapt to her body. She wasn't a baby anymore, or a toddler and she was beyond a teenager. Her baby was a woman, and she had missed all of it.

Allura would refuse to see pictures or messages. She was waiting for the time when she'd hear more than her voice and see more of her daughter than a purple silhouette.

Allura felt the tears falling down her cheeks, Shuri entering the room and looking at the woman in empathy. She was just a child, she couldn't even begin to imagine how life was for the strawberry blonde.

So, she approached her and gave her a hug, Allura not reacting violently like she had months before.

Shuri admired Allura, and wanted to become as great as she once was like a princess. Even if all she saw now, was a hurt soul who needed her family like the plants needed the sun.

IN THOUSANDS OF YEARS, ALLURA Ljós had never seen a day so beautiful.

The sky was covered with clouds, all in the right places so that the light blue of it could be seen. Birds were flying in different shapes, and ships were patrolling the area in perfect synchronization. The air was strong, so the clouds were changing shapes quickly and making the view even more spectacular.

From where she was, she could see the green covered ground, the flowers and the plants that characterized the beautiful place they were residing in. She could see the animals running, and the people training; the last part wasn't so nice to her at first; because of her own experience with training.

But now, she was dressed in a tight long sleeved red shirt with a v-neck. It had yellow and orange patterns on it.

She was wearing black leather, and brown boots. Her strawberry blonde hair was put into a beautiful braided style: two Dutch braids on each side, but another Dutch braid on top of her head. Some strands were loose, and her lips were as red as blood; the only part of her face with make up. She wore a dark blue necklace, that matched up to James' cloth for his arm.

"You can't throw that on the ground, Buck." The woman told a one armed man, the man chuckling at her and throwing the piece of material back to the floor.

"I don't have both arms, doll." He told her, the strawberry blonde carrying the last piece of material and handing it over to one of the Wakandans. James and Allura smiled at each other, covered in sweat from the work. James pecked her lips, going over to a Wakandan that was handing them water.

The strawberry blonde drank it without a problem, the liquid satisfying her thirst without making her flinch. She was getting used to it still; the H2O not burning her, and the deliciousness that was human food. She had to admit, being a human was less horrible with everything they made for the stomach.

James had been out of cryo freeze for two weeks, and all of their memories were back where they belonged; their life before HYDRA, HYDRA and after. It was nice to be healthy again, now they were just incredibly eager to see their little girl: their Nadenka, who was most likely not so little anymore.

They knew she was tall. Maybe taller than Allura, since that's what the bright purple silhouette that struck their heads while being frozen was. They'd always talk to Nadenka that way. The girl used her abilities to get them together into her mind and she saw them as silhouettes, while they saw her like a human shaped purple light; the power stone.

"How about we go inside and get changed, ást? We have nothing to do and T'Challa says Nadenka is out of reach." At the mention of his daughter, Bucky's eyes lit up, a soft smile coating face as he nodded. He let out a loud laughter, pulling Allura to his side with his arm and kissing her temple.

"I can't wait to see her!" He told her, Allura nodding and laughing slightly, wrapping her arm around his waist. "She knows us, at least. One way or another, she always had us when she needed us." Bucky thought out loud, reassuring himself that his daughter wouldn't hate him. Allura sighed, holding his face in her hands.

"You're her pabbi, ást mín." Dad. My love. She told him, kissing his lips and James humming in delight, bringing her closer by grabbing her by the back of the head. "I don't doubt her love for you. And you shouldn't either." She told him, her lips still on his.

Her green eyes trailed behind him, Shuri waving her hand at her.

"I'll be right back, ást." James nodded, watching her walk towards the princess.

"Hey! God, I had been so excited to show you this new thing I made!" She rambled, Allura chuckling and rolling her eyes in amusement.

"Enlighten me, Shur." The dark skinned woman smirked, opening a box next to her and revealing a black suit with bright red, brown and blue Greek designs traveling around it. Allura gaped at it, her green eyes wide as Shuri held it for her to observe.

"I got inspiration from your body around different temperatures. I remember seeing them and thought you'd like this suit to fight." Allura nodded, bringing Shuri into a hug with a wide smile. "The White Wolf and the Grey Wolf. Together in and out of the battlefield... I made that phrase myself." Shuri said proudly, Allura snorting as the other girl smiled cheekily.

"I love it, Shuri. Thank you." She turned around, walking away. But not before saying something to Shuri: "By the way. Grey Wolf... Badass." Shuri shrieked, smiling wide to herself as the strawberry blonde walked away.

"Slaying." Shuri mumbled, going back into the castle to work on the suit's last design.

Allura walked back to James, seeing the party accompanying the king as they walked with a very familiar looking box.

James' bright eyes saddened, his hand gripping around Allura's the moment she was next to him as they listened.

"Where's the fight?" He asked, the strawberry blonde observing T'Challa's reaction.

"On its way." He said. "But don't be so depressed, Barnes." The couple looked at him. "They're all coming with."

James and Allura are baaaaaaack!!! They're meeting Nadenka so soon! But I needed a small introduction into their living situation!!

I'm so excited!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Happy New Year!!! 2021!!!

Stay safe!

- evanescence2016

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