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"YOU WERE STABBED AND WANT to pretend that you can just walk normally. Only you do that." Pietro scolded worriedly, his blue eyes concentrated on carefully patching up her wound as they got to the Avenger's Compound.

       Nadenka hissed, her hand gripping the small tube next to the bed; that was designed to treat injuries. Her blue eyes were filled with pain, but she didn't let out one scream. Her shirt was on the chair next to her, and on her shoulder lied the permanent burns that HYDRA had inflicted to her—branding her.

       Pietro almost rolled his eyes at her immense pain resistance. He didn't say anything about that, but he continued to scold her.

"And what were you even thinking? Going alone? Fighting those things alone? You didn't even use your maximum potential! Not that I'm not glad you didn't, because I'm glad you didn't. But come on!"

Nadenka observed him, her ears muting what he was saying as she admired his features. His big blue eyes that she had always found herself lost in, his black hair, that used to be white, with tints of brown. His lips were always either in a frown or serious, but when he smiled, it could drive her crazy.

She smiled slightly, trying to contain the her tears; and not because of the pain.

She knew it was time. She knew that they had already come for her, and would do whatever it took to get the stone to Thanos. The stone had been warning her for a while, but she had refused to listen. She refused to believe that she would die before she could hug her parents.

But it seemed like some things were just not meant to be.

Pietro stopped talking and looked at Nadenka, judging by her face, he already knew that she hadn't listened to a word he had said.

"If you're thinking on dy-" He was stopped by the landing of the quinjet, the door opening and revealing another quinjet. Pietro placed a black jacket over Nadenka's shoulders, it had the Avengers brand on it and no zipper to close it.

He placed her arm around his shoulder, kissing her temple before starting to walk. They went slowly, the door of the other ship opening and the people inside widening their eyes at the sight of the two.

Pietro was slightly dirty and had some blood running down his head. And Nadenka looked even worse.

Steve ran towards them, noticing that Nadenka was struggling to move her feet. By what Pietro could see, Vision was in the same condition as his love, and his twin sister was holding him with care. The speedster smiled at the sight of Wanda, glad to see her again. But then, he was interrupted from his thoughts by Steve arriving.

"I'll help." He said, putting Nadenka's other arm around his shoulder, and being surprised when a small whimper threatened to leave her lips. She was in real pain if she was showing it, and that just got him concerned. "You had to leave the radar, didn't you?" Steve scolded, Nadenka letting out a small chuckle as she walked towards the compound with their help.

"I suppose I have Pietro to thank for our rescue." Pietro rolled his eyes, understanding the amused tone in her voice.

"Don't even get me started, draga mea."

"I'm not."

The three walked into the Compound, Natasha, Vision, Wanda, Ezekyel and Sam were already there. The blonde Natasha turned to look at Nadenka, her blue eyes going wide with concern before she rushed to her.

"Konfetka." She mumbled softly, helping her out of the men's grasp and observing her walk on her own. Ezekyel turned to her, sending her a smile and a soft wink as he approached her, kissing her temple.

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