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THE SILENCE WAS AS COMFORTABLE as it was uncomfortable: that was one thing Nadenka could clearly feel. It was calm—because for the first time in a while, they didn't have an immediate problem— but, at the same time, it was tense— because they were looking for a fight that they would soon get.

Her blonde hair fell on her shoulders, and her blue eyes scanned Natasha's hand as she changed the bandage over her almost open stomach. There was a stunning purple glow forming within her skin, and the color had spread to her belly button. But still, Nadenka sat down straight, her black Nike sport bra and her tight black pants covering her body.

"You're awfully quiet." Steve said from the chair in front of her, his blue eyes scanning the young woman and knowing perfectly what was going through her mind. Nadenka let out a sigh at this, looking up at the man and Ezekyel next to him, then looking at Pietro who was having a conversation with his sister.

       "I bet you already know why." She chuckled. "Ask away, uncle Steve." The man smiled slightly and nodded, standing up and sitting next to her.

       "You're nervous, stressed, shocked, perhaps." He began, the two locking eyes. "They're not gonna be scared of you because of the brands on your shoulders, you know?" Steve spoke softly, the two HYDRA symbols aching slightly as he brought them up.

Nadenka looked at the one on her left shoulder and shook her head.

"What if they think I'm a monster?"

"I think they've spent too much time thinking that about themselves." He admitted, Nadenka closing her eyes as she felt a bit of pain on her wound. "Besides. They know you."

       Nadenka couldn't help but chuckle at this.

Her parents knew her. They did know her. She'd talk to them about her day, about what she learned with her powers, about her family and the bad experiences that came with being a runaway.

But she was a purple silhouette in their minds. She couldn't see them, they couldn't see her. She couldn't hug them, she couldn't tell them by their ear how much she loved them and how much she hoped that they had been selfish for once; that they had risked her mental stability but be with her.

But she knew it was selfish of her to think that way. Because it would've had consequences, and her parents knew that well.

"They don't know what they made me do. They don't even know I trained there." She whispered, Steve sighing and placing an arm around her shoulders: like he always did when she was scared and had a nightmare.

Instinctively, she placed her head on his shoulder, Natasha smiling up at them and kissing her forehead before going to Ezekyel and holding his hand, starting a conversation.

"They'll understand. They're smart. You know that, Nad." Steve reassured, his blue eyes honest and soft as he looked at the girl he raised. "Besides, if there's two people in the world that would love you no matter what, those are Bucky and Allura." Nadenka smiled at this, excitement running through her veins as she looked at the window and saw the familiar grass and structures.

"Thanks, uncle Steve." She whispered, the man placing his temple on top of of her head. Steve then stood up from next to her and approached Sam, who was piloting.

"Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0." He instructed, Sam complying but not before retorting.

"I hope you're right about this. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to."

They were finally there.

They were finally in Wakanda.

The ship suddenly came to a stop, and Nadenka took a deep breath. Meanwhile, Pietro headed to Nadenka, smiling at her and grabbing her arm to help her walk.

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