thirty seven

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"SO? YOU'LL BE THE ONE TO RETURN THE STONES?" Nadenka asked as she approached Steve, her parents and Sam. The blond looked at the younger woman with a kind smile. Her eyes were red from crying, but her smile showed an attempt at being supportive to others.

"Yeah. Yeah. I will."

The redhead had seen his interaction with her father, and she could see something in Steve's eyes that gave her both ease and concern. He was speaking to everyone, hugging everyone as if he wasn't gonna come back— as if he were saying goodbye.

And that's when it hit her.

He was traveling through time once more, of course he'd take the chance to create a timeline where he was happy, where he had the love of his life and a worthy ending.

Her eyes filled with tears once more as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding him tighter than she ever had in her entire life.

Her mentor, her guardian, her uncle Steve— the man who had been an excellent paternal figure while her own parents were away. She had been able to see them, of course, but they weren't there for the tears, the heartbreak, the pep talks, the encouragement and the love that Steve always gave her.

And Steve Rogers knew that. And as he held her, his stomach dropping and his eyes closing shut, he was grateful that he didn't have to explain his decision, and that he was leaving the people he cared about accompanied, and safe.

His fight was over. He had given his everything for years, even back in the war, and he had seen the beautiful outcome of his choices and his decisions.

He helped build an unbreakable circle of heroes who cared for one another, and would give their life for each other.

Was it selfish to rest at last? To have the life Tony told him that he deserved, and the life he had sacrificed himself for?

Many people would think so, he could already imagine the news and the theories that would spring from his actions. But, regardless of that, he wanted this happiness, this unreachable joy that was one step away from him.

That didn't mean it didn't hurt. It killed him to leave his loved ones behind. But deep down, he knew— or he hoped— that they would be alright, and would have the future they wished.

He gave Nadenka a kiss on the forehead, gripping her shoulders affectionately as he exhaled and tears pooled in his eyes.

"And you..." He chuckled. "Think a little more before you act. Most importantly, before you speak." He joked, making Nadenka laugh slightly as she looked up at him, a grin on her face.

"Will you tell me about it?" She whispered. "Tell me about how it goes?" Steve smiled in return, ruffling her hair delicately to not undo her hairstyle— because she'd probably kill him if he did.

"You'll be the only person to know."


And so they hugged once more before breaking apart, and the young woman wiped a tear and turned to her dad with a smile, wrapping her arm around his waist as he did the same, kissing her temple and looking at Steve.

The blond walked towards Allura, who had watched the exchange with a sad smile. Of course she knew what he intended to do. She didn't agree or disagree— his happiness was enough for her.

Five years of friendship, of bonding, of late night laughter and tears had made them closer, and they had become family in the span of disaster.

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