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WAKANDA WAS A BEAUTIFUL PLACE. It had large fields of grass, beautiful structures, plenty of trees; which now that oxygen didn't affect her, she had grown to find beautiful.

       The ship that she was on was fascinating. Back in Jupiter they had pretty advanced technology, but this one was one she hadn't seen before and she was trying to understand it as her green eyes analyzed the material and what she could of the motor.

       James chuckled at her, standing next to the strawberry blonde as he held his gun. His blue eyes observed her, knowing that her way to cope with the stress that she was most likely feeling because of the upcoming fight, was to distract herself by something else that she could comprehend.

       Softly, he held her pale hand in his slightly more tanned one, sending her a small smile when he caught her attention.

       "We'll be alright, doll." He reassured, his face softening when he saw her shoulders relax and she gripped his hand. "I have a good feeling about this."

       She was happy he was confident on the fact that they would win. That they would face whatever came their way like they always did and come out somewhat successful.

       But she didn't feel the same.

       Her heart was beating loudly and her hands were beginning to sweat and tremble as she felt deep within her that luck wouldn't be on their side today. That victory would not be granted to them like a trophy as they clapped and hugged each other with care, as she and James held their beautiful Nadenka and told her that she would be safe, that mamma and pabbi were home.

       She did not feel it in her bones.

       And she was terrified.

       But still, returning his soft smile she changed the topic.

       "She's beautiful and so strong." Immediately knowing who Allura was talking about James' eyes brightened like a Christmas tree, his entire posture changing as his gaze drifted to the tower where his daughter currently was.

       He let an excited sigh, a full smile taking over his face as he nodded. "And powerful. She's a fantastic fighter. Her technique was in point and she's as sassy as you." He laughed at the last part, Allura faking offense and hitting his shoulder.

       "She's as stubborn as a Jupiterian, that I can agree with. But she's got your perseverance." She told him, raising her eyebrow with a small grin.

       "Imagine if I hadn't landed here. I wouldn't be able to see such a beautiful girl and get to say she's my daughter. Wouldn't get to see such a handsome man and call him my-" She stopped with an amused look. "Acquaintance." James threw his head in laughter and shook his head.

       "I believe the term is girlfriend."

       "Now that I think about it, you never even asked!"

       James looked at her with the same amused look in his eyes, bringing her hand to his lips and planting a soft kiss. The action made a small blush rise to her cheeks, remembering that he had done the same thing when they first met. She didn't find it so strange now, of course.

       "Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend and perhaps, when I get a proper ring-"

       "And timing."

       "-and timing, my wife." Allura nodded with no hesitation, knowing that, even if there wasn't a lot of detail, the moment meant everything. He was everything to her.

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