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       NOBODY SAW WHO TRIED TO hit the other first. All they saw was a blur as Okoye approached the blonde, Nadenka instantly replying as their batons met each other in the middle. Another Dora Milaje tried to attack from behind the blonde but she was sent back by a kick, while she twisted Okoye's baton and ducked another baton.

       Nadenka jumped backwards before she was kicked, taking slight impulse and doing a roundhouse kick on the spot, managing to kick three warriors back and landing on a "superhero pose". Without standing from the ground she kicked a Dora Milaje's knees, the woman grunting and falling back.

       Nadenka panted, jumping over a baton that was coming for her toes and sending a back kick on the process. With her heart hammering loudly, she threw her baton at the closest wall— next to Ezekyel who shrieked loudly. Her weapon bounced back and the edge hit a warrior on the back of his neck. Nadenka did an aerial and caught the baton before it landed, throwing it to another wall— next to Wanda this time— and it bounced back and hit a Dora Milaje this time.

       Before catching her weapon, Nadenka received a punch to the nose, the woman grunting before returning it twice as hard and hitting the Dora Milaje behind her with her elbow.

       James and Allura watched in shock as their daughter fought off more than twenty people by herself. While James fought in a very self taught way combined with HYDRA techniques, and Allura fought the Jupiterian way with HYDRA techniques, Nadenka fought all three with the Wakandan methods and Natasha's teachings as well.

       Allura's technique was flawless.

       But Nadenka's one was indescribable.

       She was careful with her moves, her eyes calculating but still soft and conscious. Her arms moved with precision, coordinating perfectly with the moves of her legs and her hips.

       She managed jumps, kicks and punches with skill and ease, not losing control of her breath or any single part of her body. Her defense was as good as her offense and her patience with her own movements made her an even more effective fighter.

       The girl slid on the floor, throwing her body back up with her arms as if she did a handstand and jogging three steps, before she twirled her body in the air, horizontally, and sent two men back with her feet, walking on their chests. She landed smoothly, her hands filling with purple mist before her baton did too and it moved to her grasp.

       She then turned around, and blocked Okoye's baton with her own, just like they did at the beginning but Nadenka was with one knee on the ground and standing on her tip toes with the other.

       Seventeen fighters lied next to them, slightly hurt and wincing as they stood up, all of them defeated by the blonde in the middle of the room. Her eyes glowed a mesmerizing, yet dangerous purple, her chest going up and down with every breath that she managed to take. Her shoulders were also rising and falling as she stayed still, waiting for a moment before groaning as a baton hit her on the stomach, right on her wound.

       She moved her baton in a way that ensured that Okoye's went flying across the room, before jumping from her position on the ground and raising her fist. But her arms were grabbed by the two remaining warriors on the fight.

       Steve was about to sigh in relief, thinking that Nadenka had lost the battle. But somehow, Nadenka's body language and fierce gaze told James otherwise.

       The girl took advantage of the fact that her arms were held to her sides as she dove forward and walked on their bodies, hitting their faces with her feet before completing the front flip and grabbing her baton, kicking Okoye's feet with her leg and holding the baton to her neck, the older woman's poker face turning into an expression of approval.

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