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       LIVING FOR A THOUSAND YEARS was an easy task for the strawberry blonde or anyone in Jupiter

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LIVING FOR A THOUSAND YEARS was an easy task for the strawberry blonde or anyone in Jupiter.

       However, seventy six year old Allura Ljós had learned in the one hundred and eighteen years that she had been with humans, that life on Earth was not as easy of a task— it was more chaotic, full of ups and downs, and filled with pained harmony and endless adventures.

       She had arrived on this planet like a naive, torn young woman. She had been surprised and had allowed her thoughts to surpass her emotions. She had had her memories removed and pushed back into her brain countless times. She had met, loved and lost more people than she could remember.

       But regardless of that, she could see in herself— after a few years of therapy, that she had grown as a person, and she had managed to ensure that all of the torment in her life, accompanied her like a path towards strength, selflessness, and happiness.

       Her planet haunted her every once in a while, as she remembered the hydrogen lakes, the beautiful skies, the fun she'd have at the Kastala alongside the people she loved.

       The news of its demise had been like a burden, a reminder that no matter how much she knew, and how much she tried to save them, she hadn't succeeded, and her only chance was escaping and leaving them to suffer for their actions.

       It was horrible, but it was a truth and a reality that she had been able to understand and in time, she had accepted with all of the strong feelings that came with that realization.

       She had made the best out of her now human abilities and she had continued to fight for the beautiful planet that had welcomed her, and lead her people in a proper, intelligent and strategic way to ensure they were happy, and lived amongst humans in peace.

       But now, it was her turn to be at peace. And her peace included everything she had done for herself, and the people she had grown to care about much more than she could aver articulate.

       She had built a family, and had made sure she protected them more than she ever could protect her own people back in Jupiter.

       And so she danced, softly swaying in the arms of her husband, staring into his steel blue eyes that she had always dreamed of seeing, and her grandmother had told her so many stories about...

Stars shining bright above you.
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you".

       In their small apartment, everything was perfect. From the brown polished door, to the bookshelf full of amazing stories, knowledge and adventure that the strawberry blonde has read multiple times; to the simple white of the walls, decorated with multiple pictures of their loved ones— highlighting of course, the ones they took in Romania when James showed her what a camera was.

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