Fly, Little Birdie!

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Dedicated to Chicku, my first born Birdie

The night is dark
But the storm is gone
Stay awhile
Let's wait for dawn!

Your wings are tender
The flight is long
Rest a little
Till they become strong!

Thunder and lightning
Winds and weather
Many a deterrent
But you've a magic feather!

Hope, it is called
It springs anew
Of joys that are walled
It gives us a cue!

Break those walls
Soar on up high
Let happiness out
Go touch the sky!

Spread your wings
Time to leave the nest
New and exciting things
Go begin with zest!

Flap your wings Lil Birdie
Try with might and main
Through every brave effort
The world you will gain!

Don't want to part
Says my mother's heart
But fly you must, Lil Birdie
Go, your wings are sturdy!

Maybe soon, maybe one day
You'll come back, fly this way
I'll wait for you in this lonely nest
Sit here awhile, take some rest!

Fortune beckons you, yes, it's dark
Light up the night, you're a spark
Up in the blue, sing like a lark
Cross the skies, make your mark!

Fly forth, Lil Birdie,
Do not fear
The world is your oyster
And dawn is near!



Illustration credit lavathelamp

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