Share the Light

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Dedicated to all those who hesitate to publish!

Phrases disjointed, ideas random
Stories, ficlets subscribed fandom
Words, emotions, plots n tales
Some gentle breezes, some are gales
These beautiful snippets that float
Across mine conscious canvas
Shades of meaning, depth, both meal
and tapas

Sometimes it's a struggle, what I want to say
Some days, it gushes, the scribe holds sway
Will they get what I mean, the rhythm, the wordplay?
Will they feel my feels, or is it a mime, cosplay?

Is this good enough to share, hit that publish button?
Or just another drabble, for trolls I'm a glutton!
Stop thinking that, I tell my inner doubt
Be bold, these rules were made to flout!

Who you are inside, is all that really matters
Break free of your mind, sunder those
Soar free, my words, then fly high
Live bright, shine forth, O Firefly!

What you learnt was born in pain
Share the light, do not let it fade in vain
Your success by this alone I'll determine
If one iota of darkness, in one heart, you did illumine!


A/N: A small reminder that a Poet's or Author's words touch others' lives in ways they can't  imagine.


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