Lamp in the Dark

87 23 45

Dedicated to


Chirpy, cute, stunning smile
Beautiful heart, devoid of guile
Strong of intent, warm and kind
A kindred spirit, so hard to find!

Busy with life, school's a chore!
Assignments, homework, tests galore.
She has some major hidden talent,
Literature or medicine, she's ambivalent.

Soaring imagination, life's a dream
Stories are her canvas, books her screen
In language skills, she reigns supreme!
No boundaries can hold her nor limitations tie
Fiery Phoenix, she was born to fly!

Mishaps may slow her, foes might trip her
No matter the struggle, fortune will grip her!
Giving generously of her time and soul
Author, Counselor, many a meaningful role
The brightness she spreads  makes me whole.

Like a lamp that lights Another, nor grows less
Those who are touched by Her, all say God Bless!



Art by lavathelamp

The Rooster Lamp from the Kandyan era of Sri Lanka announces the dawn of the day, bringing joy to people's lives.

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