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For my Beastie!🤗🤗💜💜🐺🐺😋🤗

She falls, she's hurt
She weeps, laments
Painful, scouring the heart,
these events

The pit, her despair,
Became real
Swallowed her whole
Like a small meal
Oh, to forget
Amnesia her goal

Hope was scary
Giving up was easy
Light was fading
Darkness her world

Each scar, a memory
Clings to her
Cleansing, healing
Foreign to her
The pain is old, but familiar
'Tis the new that brings fear

A little light twinkled
What's that? A beautiful Firefly
Eyes drawn to it, she forgot pain
Yearning, with her breath mingled
Dared she open her heart?
Dare she live again?

She got on to her knees
The better to see that tiny light
It flitted close but higher
It was so near her
She could almost touch
The ephemeral beauty, that fire

It called to her
Enticing, alluring
Just out of reach
To see it, twinkling,
Watch its glow increase
She'd have to first
Get off her knees!

It's very powerful, the curiosity
Mystifying, and strong
Enthralled, she's on her feet
Determined to touch it
before long

See, Fireflies are Magic!
Though the past was tragic
She looked now ahead, upward,
Inspiration sought, outward
Only way to move, was forward

Peering out of the rabbit hole
Reaching out,
She looked at the sky
Was it always this blue?
No it doesn't seem so high!

Standing on her own two feet
She crushed doubts and defeat
Her heels, best friends
Stomped down on despair
Goodness wins, positive ends
There's hope in the air

Sucking in a breath,
Flexing her knees
Up and out she leapt
Reaching for the trees

That sorry pit
Left far below
Nothing now can
Her impetus slow

For she has finally broken free
These lines mark a scree*
She who reached out for a Firefly
Now soars unfettered
In the deep blue sky!


*Scree: Mountain term, an area covered with loose stone, dangerous to traverse.

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