Happiness is a Choice

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For Chicku!

Today it could storm or drizzle
Tomorrow the Sun may sizzle
A gentle zephyr blows now
Later could be hail or snow
You could moan, you could grumble
Always know you've a choice, my Little
You could say this weather's crappy
Or roast chestnuts, make paper boats, be Happy!

So bored, I've got nothing to do
Can go in a blink to I'm snowed under
Tasks, chores, study, distractions
A ton to tear the mind asunder
You could flip out, go quite crazy
You could knuckle down, get real busy
Always know you've a choice, my Little
Stay positive, keep your head in fine fettle.

Problems. obstacles, speed bumps galore
Tackle each one, down to the floor
Greater the challenge, bigger the prize
Allow yourself to blossom, to rise!
Easy to get disheartened, and to cry
Quitting is left to others, the small fry
You know yourself, Lil One mine
Give of your best, you'll be fine.

This is Your time, bask in sunshine
May health n happiness always be thine
Luck, laughter and satisfaction
Quickly follow in their jurisdiction
Every single moment, enjoy your life
Sometimes there could be pain or strife
Remember, dearest, being happy is a choice
You will be, just listen to that inner voice!


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