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For @AitchNKay: here's to new beginnings!

I entered these doors, an innocent bride
Brushing off confetti, with happiness I cried
So many years, it's been a helluva ride
Leaving today, once again I cried

This is where I became a wife
This is where my kids were born
Here began my family life
Relationships flourished, distances torn

Kindergarten, school, mates and fights
Parties, festivals, sleepover nights
Offices and neighbours,
in-laws and friends
Success, failure, upswings, downtrends

Time passes, seasons change
Humans grow, emotions range
The garden, trees, flowers and grass
Summer, Autumn and winter pass

The kids are grown, young men
We're older, looking back then
Memories flow down wet cheeks
When I see those sunlit peaks

We're leaving, for pastures green
I look, I touch, each moment I glean
Someone else will look upon this glade
Some other kids this beech will shade

Bless this, our home, the time draws near
Parting with sorrow, this loss I fear
Change, though frightening is life's only constant
Acceptance and hope my friends this instant

I feel a sudden warmth,
Like a hug from a friend
Coming up at me from the earth
Walking to the gate, path's end

'Go forth and prosper!'
The house says to me
'You'll write a new chapter,
Home's where the heart longs to be!'

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