Time to Bloom

44 13 13

For Shanu, my Baby!

Tiny fingers, busy feet
Scrunchy mouth, very sweet
Twinkling eyes, cute lil face
On a sonogram, left your trace

Waving hands, curly hair
Rosy lips, cheeks so fair
Joy at your birth, love anew
By leaps and bounds daily you grew

Emotional toddler, you were so smart
Independent, strong from the start
You needed me, yes, only to sleep
Confident you stepped, milestones to keep

School and play, both you excelled
Clarity and grasp, confusion dispelled
Language your forte, the pen your sword
At writing you aced, mastery in your word

Though the youngest in the brood
Your independence clearly understood
Be its subjects or choice of food
Your individuality stands out good

Love of travel bit you young Beautiful journeys, surprises sprung
So many interesting destinations
European, Asian and Island Nations

Swimming, cycling, hiking and snow
The world awaits you, come let's go!
Concerts and theme parks, fun galore
The Universe will grant you, ask for more!

The isolation of covid
Worries formed a pyramid
No friends to share
Parents had other cares

Burden of syllabus, weighty matter
Anxious moments do your mind batter
Never ending workload, tedious classes
Depressing weekdays, agreed the masses

You feel alone, so misunderstood
Want to help you, would if I could
Share your burden dear, talk to me
I can be your friend, if only you'd let me

The load is crushing, the fear is real
Can't stop crying, no hope you feel
Hush little baby, this is not the end
Listen carefully, not real, its pretend

Studies and a degree, worthy goal
In the sea of life, just a shoal
Using your talents to full capacity
Make yourself happy, beat adversity

Baby steps are what you need
One day at a time, should be your creed
Wisely must you divide your time
Play, sing, study, your life's sublime

High school is just a bus stop
Not your final destination
You've everything you need to top
Just find your determination

Your older siblings, the nest have flown
Little Starling, your time will come soon
Reach for the stars, shine like the Moon
My lovely Rosebud, it's your time to Bloom!

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