Perfect Reality (Ripley Ryan, aka Star)

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Ripley Ryan, a woman whose alias is Star, was knelt on the ground not knowing what else to do. She didn't move nor did she mutter a word, all she did was ponder on the actions she had made. She didn't regret any of it, she relished in the fact that she finally had her sweet revenge on someone who had made her life miserable, but sge didn't know what else to do right now.

She could hear the crickets around the cemetery, the place she was currently at. She could even see just how the hero that was trying to prevent her actions dropped to the ground. She didn't want to be near anyone, but even she knew just how stubborn the hero was.

"Ryan... You can't keep doing this to yourself" Spider-Man, the mask behind Peter Parker, said, his eyes looking at the now weeping woman who laid on the ground. He didn't know just how to act in this kind of situation, but even he was feeling like an asshole for not trying hard enough. "You know that you can't keep this up any longer..."

"Go away..." She moved her hands up to her ears, her eyes letting tears escape. She didn't want to act this way in front of anyone, but she really couldn't hold it any longer. She needed to vent her frustrations alone and it was the only way she could think of. "Leave me alone..."

"You know... I understand why you did it, though I don't agree with it" Peter sighed, reclining his body against the dead tree that stood near the two of them. He closed his eyes, reminiscing his past as he tried to let her know that she was not the only human who suffers from the same fate. "Because you are not the only one with regrets buried in this cemetery"

She looked up, her dried up face looked at the red and blue hero. She was proud to say that she didn't flinch when she heard him say those words. She would have never expected for such a great hero like him to have also experienced almost all of her suffering. But here he was, talking his heart out while she couldn't do anything but hear him talk.

And it was quite mesmerizing the sight of the man, who was reclining on the tree with his eyes staring right at the moon. She could feel just how serious this conversation was for the both of them. It had made her relive many past experiences that she would rather forget than remember.

"I have spent countless hours here, wishing I could undo all of my stupid, thoughtless, selfish mistakes" He remembers everything so clearly, that he could see images of every past mistake. There were too many for him to count, though it hurt all the same. "And there is not one thing in the world I wouldn't give to be able to change it all back..."

"I... I thought that if I fixed things, someone will finally care for me..." She whispered softly, her eyes staring at the ground for a single moment before she looked at the hero giving her a glance. She raised her eyebrow at the motion, though was happy that he was paying attention while she was talking. It made her know that someone cared enough to hear her opinion.

"You cannot change the past... Everything is so much worse. Because you know it is not true" She sighed at that, because she knew that his words were the truth. Though she wanted to escape from that truth that followed her in this created reality of hers. But it seems that every dream must come to and end, as they face reality once more. "It is no real..."

"It is hard, you know..." He listened. He was not looking but he was really paying attention to her words. He could hear the hurt in her voice, just how angry she felt at everything that surrounded her constantly. He knew of this pain o so well but he had decided to keep it hidden, locked inside of his heart for all of eternity. Because even he didn't know just how his retained anger would outbalance his life. "To be good rather than just be me..." He sighed, his eyes closing for a fraction of a second before opening once more. He now didn't know if he needed to help her or should he just capture her and let the police handle her. Her life has been very chaotic, and he definitely didn't want to be another factor in her descent in becoming a villainess. "This... Is a very lonely life..."

"Ripley, all we can do right now is to fix ourselves" Peter moved slightly, his head now looking at the blonde woman who had slight tears on her face. He walked slowly up to her, and got his gloved hand to her dry teared skin as caressed it softly as to erase the mark. "Because the path we walk is one that most people avoid. But we walk on it because it is a necessity. You just have to break that cycle of hate, and become someone that you will be proud of in the future"

She deviated her eyes from the hero in front of her, a slight blush adorning her cheeks as she felt the warmth of his hand over her cheek. It was different, something she had yearned for since she was a young girl. Affection and love, two very similar emotions which were being brought by the one she never would have expected it from. But she was also questioning her reasons to even try and turn over a new leaf. But she wanted to be someone else. To leave behind the Ripley that only knew hate and transform into a Rupley that would always bring happiness and hope.

"Do... Do you think I can do it?" Peter smiled softly, his decision having been made thanks to just how honest her question sounded in his ears. He just didn't have the heart to act more ruthlessly, when even he knew that if he didn't have the right motivation... he probably would be doing the same thing she had been doing recently. "Can I break... this cycle that hangs over my shoulders?"

"You can... Just know that whenever you think you are close to temptation..." Peter gave her a hug, which surprised her greatly if the stiffness of her body was anything to notice. He even felt just how she stopped breathing for a few seconds, an effect from that sudden movement he did. He needed to reassure her that his words were true, and he was definitely not going back on his word. "I'll be there to rescue you once more"

"Thank you..." She whispered, really not trusting her voice quite well in this intimate position. She had long since relaxed over his hold, also moving her arms around his waist and returning the hug that he had started. She felt at ease, with her heart and mind finally being in synchronisation for once in her life. Because it had been at that moment she knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. And she would do anything possible to make that dream a reality she would be proud of.

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