Chapter-5: Holidays.

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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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"I'm going to bed Mama, Ma'salaam" I said going up to my room and plopping down on the bed.

It's been more than two weeks after that particular incident. And I'm grateful that we have holidays.

Who knows if he would again confront me or something? Though I doubt that he would do so.

'You make me want to be a good person, you make me want to feel closer to Allah'

His words have been creating chaos in my head from the past two weeks.

His words have caused flips in my heart which I never have experienced before.
A pinch of admiration had been built inside my heart for him, when he let me go and respected my space.

The incident on that day was a true outcome of my doings. And I've promised myself to not get involved in these sins again inshaAllah.

All these thoughts have been going in my head and I'm not able to get myself to narrate my thoughts to anyone.

Not even to Mariam and Alina, though they have figured out that there' something off with me. And they've decided a meet over would do. So they're coming tomorrow to stay here for a day or two.


"Its good that Alina's parents let her go easily, otherwise she wouldn't be here with her forgetting skills." Mariam said causing me to laugh and Alina to scowl.

Apparently all three of us are in my car and we're going to my place after me picking them up from the station earlier. And Mariam was describing Alina's famous 'forgetting skills' of how Alina completely forgot to tell her parents that she is coming over to my place for a couple of days.

"Here we are" I said out loud parking the car in front of the house.

"Is Usmaan home? I'm sure our sweet Mariam here would be desperate to see him again after so long." Alina teased Mariam in a quite loud voice.

"Unfortunately, he isn't. But don't worry he'll be back soon." I said helping them take their stuff from the trunk.

"Why do you guys have to even bring him in our conversations?" Mariam asked slightly frustrated.

"Salam sweeties!" mama exclaimed opening the door.

"Salam Aunty" both of them said entering the house.

"Its so good to see you guys again"

"Yeah, it's good to see you too Aunty" Alina agreed with mama.

"I'm sure you must be bored to continuously live with this idiot here" Mariam said flipping my forehead.

"Hey, I'm her daughter, don't you forget that." I said quite dramatically.

"Yeah, can't help." Mama teased shaking her head which caused both of my friends to laugh.


"Okay now, spill up." Mariam said sitting on my bed taking a bite of the cookie that Mama had given us on our way up to the room.

Now what do I say to these guys?

"And lying is haraam." Alina said reminding me.

I guess I'll just tell them later.

"And don't even think of saying 'some time later' or 'not now', just tell us what it is that's really bothering you." Alina said in a worrisome voice.

These people know me just too well.

"You remember that vintaged glass' guy I told you about?" I asked anxiously.

"Don't tell me you messed yourself up in that" Mariam said pointedly.

"No, it was him who initiated it on that day."

"Do we have to buy some wooden bats and hockey sticks to teach him some lessons?" Alina asked exaggeratedly fisting up her hands.

"What? No! It's not how it sounds like." I said trying to explain my point.

"Then tell us" Mariam said in a hurried tone.
I narrated to them the whole ordeal of that day.

And their comments were like this,

Adam! That's a nice name.
Are you really sure that those butterflies weren't because you were hungry or something right?
In which hand did he wear his watch?
He's really good with his words!
Wow!! Blue flecks in grey eyes... But you were supposed to lower your gaze right?

"That's it? He didn't try to get to you after that at all?" Alina asked arching a brow.

"I had holidays after that day. I... I mean not exactly after that day..I didn't go on the end of semester gathering though." I said looking down.

"Scaredy cat"

"You didn't go on an event because you were scared that you would see him again."

Both of them said shaking their heads.

"I just didn't know what else to do" I said finally letting out my thoughts.

Mariam sighed.

I sighed.

Alina sighed.

"Look, it's okay, you'll be fine once your mind gets distracted from that stuff." Mariam said assuringly.

"Yeah you've been locked up in your house ever since. I can't believe that you spent two weeks of your holidays doing exactly nothing in your home" Alina said.

"So we'll go out have some food and enjoy!" Mariam yelled putting on her abaya and niqab.

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I really apologize for the delay and for a quite short chapter, was caught up with other stuff. Sorry again ❤️

This was sort of a filler chapter, I promise the upcoming chapters are better and more interesting.

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