Chapter-15: Special.

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Allah(SWT) Says:

"Close friends, that Day, will be enemies to each other, except for those who have taqwa(fear of Allah)"

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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I toss my bag next to Alina who is sitting at the back and head to the passenger seat of the car. I had just now arrived at the station to find Maryam and Alina already waiting for me. They began ranting about how they were waiting for more than half an hour for me even before greeting me properly.

I cannot really blame them though, Adam had very reluctantly let me go off to board the train. Not to mention that he literally sat with me complaining about me leaving him by himself till the announcement of the train's departure went off.

Who would have thought that The Adam Abdullah would act all soft and clingy someday?

It's so very cute to see this side Adam and what is more nice is the fact that I am one of the few people whom he have chosen to show this side of him.

I let out a silent chuckle. His clinginess is starting to rub off on me. I have just now arrived here in Canterbury and I'm missing him already.

Just then my phone starts ringing in my bag in the back seat. "Here" Alina hands it to me grunting playfully at the caller Id.

Looks like I am not the only one who is missing someone.

"Assalamualaikum" I say once I pick the call up.

"Missing me already?" I speak again before he could reply.

He chuckles from the other end "Walaikumassalam and sweetheart you would be here sleeping in front of me and I would still be missing you."

I try to laugh off his remark trying to not show him the effect of his words.

I can literally feel the heat on my cheeks and the butterflies in my stomach.

"Did I get you speechless with just my words now Zawjati?" he asks in a teasing tone.

"So uhm... why did you call?" I stutter out a response and my friends laugh beside.

Stupid people.

"Just to check on you." He says laughing audibly with the playful glint still present in his voice.

"Did you reach there safely?" he asks, now in a more composed voice.

"Yes I did. We are just heading to Maryam's home" I inform.

"So you are still in the car..." he trails.

"Yes..." I answer furrowing my eyebrows at his sentence.

"I was wondering if I could video call you or something. I have been wanting to see you since the time you left" he says nervously.

I should have known.This man!!!

"Adam come on, it has not even been two hours since I have left" I say rolling my eyes.

"It has actually been two hours now and it is indeed enough time for you to be missed habibti." He states in a grumpy voice.

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