Chapter-18: Celebration.

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 "The best of charity is when a Muslim man gains knowledge, then he teaches it to his Muslim brother."

[Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 1, Book 1, Hadith 243]

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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"Such a bliss to know that exams are over and semester break is starting tomorrow" Zainab says with a dramatic sigh as we climb onto the brick railing and sit facing the ground area, where the guys are practicing for their game this Friday.

"What are your plans for the holidays?" Amina asks.

"I don't particularly have any yet" Zainab informs and then both of them look towards me.

I roll my eyes at them "As if you both don't already know"

"Oh right!" they both nod in realization. "And you guys are coming no matter what" I declare.

"Of course we will inshAllah" they both say in unison.

"Careful" someone calls out from the field as a ball comes flying towards Amina. I pull Amina to the right as she thankfully dodges the ball. "Who even thought that I was the damn goalpost?" she exclaims incredulously.

Zainab snickers "It's alright. You weren't going to die or anything"

Amina narrows her eyes at her "You weren't going to die or anything" she mocks Zainab. "Wait till the ball hits you" she adds, huffing childishly.

Zainab scoffs and faces to the field "And here comes your prince charming" she exclaims winking at me.

"Assalamualaikum" Adam says coming to where we are sitting. "Walaikumassalam, how have you been?" I ask as he places his hands on the either sides of me on the railings. "Better now" he says cheekily. I chuckle "Good that the exams are done, right?" I ask.

He sighs "Yup very good but this practice just after those hectic exams is seriously not good"

"Don't worry you're all free after the game, so just bare it, I guess?" I suck at cheering people up.

I grimace at my own words "Sorry that was meant to make you feel better" I say and Adam chuckles "Just the thought of you makes me feel better" he teases "But on a second thought, a dinner date tonight would definitely be nice" he adds expectantly.

I sigh slowly "I am actually going out with my friends today" I say in a low voice pointing to Amina and Zainab who are completely engrossed in their own conversations. Adam groans and lowers his head on my lap "Please?" he persuades.

"You could still come over early for breakfast tomorrow" I say in a convincing tone. "And it will be just today, we all will probably not meet until our walima" I add before continuing "You can relax today back at home"

He hums with his head still lowered "And you are all sweaty and gross and I would very much like if you would pick your head up" I say teasingly. He shakes his head more ruffling my abaya, chuckling to himself. "I am going to make you wash this abaya of mine" I say feigning a serious tone.

He lifts his head up and gazes at me "I love you" he says suddenly and stands on his toes to kiss my niqab clad forehead. I grin down at him "It is relieving to not have to look up at you" I say and he raises his brows "I thought you liked being a shorty" he says with a hint of tease in his voice.

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