Chapter-22: Exception.

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"There are two words which are light on the tongue, heavy on the scale, and loved by the Most Merciful:
'SubhanAllahi wa bihamdi, SubhanAllahi al-azeem'
('Glorified is Allah and praised is He, Glorified is Allah the Most Great')".

[Bukhari and Muslim]

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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"I am this close to quitting everything and passing out on the bed" Alina says showing her pinched thumb and index finger.

"Tell me about it" Maryam huffs dramatically.

"I have this 20 pages essay due tomorrow and I haven't even started it yet" she continues plopping down on her bed.

"Is it because of a certain someone's thoughts running inside your head?" I tease.

"One more mention of this certain someone and I am hanging up on you guys" she warns.

"Hey what did I do?" Alina calls out.

"Let's not forget your lovely greeting as soon as I picked up the call" Maryam says recalling how Alina had addressed her as soon to be Mrs. Usman Abdul Haseeb.

"But all I did was say the truth" Alina whines.

"There is seriously no place for all the truthful people in this cruel world" she sighs dramatically, feigning disappointment.

I snicker at her act as Maryam rolls her eyes. "Speaking of..." Alina pipes in again with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"How are the preparations for the wedding going on Maryam?" she asks with a smirk. Maryam scowls and narrows her eyes at the screen as Alina giggles at her own humor.

"Anyway guys, I really have go and start working on my essay" Maryam says sighing deeply.

"Yeah I do have to go too, it's almost time for Adam to come" I say glancing up at the clock.

"Hmm hmm" Alina drawls out with a smirk and I roll my eyes.

"Get over with teasing us Alina" I say with a light chuckle.

"At least I have something to do other than sulkily dreaming about my destined one" she grumbles.

Me and Maryam laughs at her romantic self before hanging up. I walk out to the kitchen to prepare some juice for Adam before he comes.

Being married to Adam and actually staying with him has been better than what I had anticipated. It is mostly me and mama because baba is either out in the lawn or with his neighboring friends. Mama narrates all the stories of Adam and Aisha when they were kids or we watch some amazing documentaries and all the crime shows.

Adam had taken a few days off from his work after the reception and those days were undoubtedly a few of the best days of my life.

All of us along with mama, baba and Aisha had been to the beach which had this private lounge and everything, it was amazing. And just a day or two before Adam's work began both of us went on a road trip to the outskirts of the city passing by the deserted farms and the yards of the beautiful old houses.

Having to drive through the empty roads at peak night was the most amazing part of that day, we had parked the car near a secluded place to have dinner and both of us spent the rest of the night on the hood of the car by stargazing until the rays of sun came through the sky.

The amount of peacefulness I felt that morning is just unmatchable.

I pour the juice in a glass as two arms wrap around my waist and I'm engulfed in the warmth that gets my skin tingled even after all these months.

"Assalamualaikum beautiful" Adam says putting his chin on my shoulder.

"Walaikumassalam" I say smiling. "How was your day?" I continue, placing a few cookies on a plate.

"Bearable, but it's over and I am here Alhamdulillah" he says inhaling the crook of my neck.

"Did you just sniff me?" I ask turning in his arm and letting out a light chuckle.

"I love your smell and as weird as it may sound but your smell comforts me" he says pulling me closer and resting his forehead on mine.

"It certainly does not sound weird Adam" I say encircling my own arms around his waist.

"If anything then it sounded really cute" I say smiling cheekily and Adam groans dropping his head my shoulder.

"You just had to say that, didn't you?" he grumbles.

"I don't understand what is wrong with calling you cute or the things you do, cute" I say with a laugh.

"It is just so unmanly" he grumbles again and I roll my eyes.

"Okay then Mr. I-don't-like-to-be-called-cute go and freshen up before you transfer all your dirty bacteria to me"

He purposefully rubs his forehead on my neck before I wiggle out of his arms to go and check on mama.


"You need stop over reacting on simple things" I say, with a light chuckle.

"You seriously aren't telling me to not over react when the girl was literally harassing me with her eyes" Adam says with wide eyes, shaking his head incredulously.

I roll my eyes, tucking my legs under myself and snuggling more into Adam.

We are currently sitting on this swing on the terrace as Adam is relating his story of how a girl wouldn't stop staring at him.

"I'm just telling you to ignore stuff like these" I say, shrugging.

"It was making me uncomfortable sweetheart" he whines placing his chin on my head

"Well, you are just good to look at" I say smirking up at him.

"And you obviously don't feel uncomfortable when I look at you now, do you?" I continue raising my brows.

He rolls his eyes and pecks my nose with a small smile lingering on his lips.

"You are an exception, love" he whispers.

"And it's a give and take thing between the two of us" he says, his lips morphing into a smirk.

"You let me ogle at you and you gaze at me" he continues with a shrug, with the smirk still present on his beautiful face.

I'm sure he would think of it as unmanly too.

"You better not say anything girly to me now" he says narrowing his eyes at me.

How did he even--

"That sweet smile says it all" he answers my thoughts and I internally smile at how cute he actually is.

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JazakAllahu Khairan Kaseera🤍

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Assalamualaikum until next time inshaAllah💖

~~ Safiya❣️

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