Epilogue: Where the heart belongs..

607 31 18

"Fear Allah wherever you are. Do good immediately after a sinful act to erase it, and always be well-mannered in your relationship with people."

[Tirmidhi, Birr (Piety), 55]

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

✨ Bismillah ✨

If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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My dearest husband,
       Adam, I can never thank Allah enough for giving me you as my husband, surely there can never be a person better than you who would be capable of tolerating me and loving me as much as you do. You are what I had always wished for and more. I do not know at what point of your life are you reading this letter, but I know that I'll always love you till the last breath I take and I also plan on living my hereafter with you, so don't be surprised if I come seeking for you in Jannah. Jokes aside. But I wish that you remain same even after I die. Remember that we've told eachother that we'll hold onto the one thing which is ever constant if we lose eachother. So Adam, I do really hope that you're holding tight onto your Imaan, your faith in Allah. Maybe we might have kids when you're reading this letter, if so then love them a little more for me, cherish their love for you Adam because they are the little creatures Allah has sent especially for us. Be such a father, that they would aspire to be you someday and yeah - don't forget to tell them about me, make them love me as their mother even if I'm not there with them because God... I would definitely wish to be there with them, to be loved by them, teach them how to be good human beings, how to be good Muslims because Adam that would be our duty. Adam if our parents are there around you, love and honour them a little more for me. Tell my brother that, he was the best brother I could ever have and tell my friends that, there could never be better friends for me than them and tell Ayesha that she was the sister I never had. I know that you already are doing your very best in all these things but please do a little more for me. And lastly Adam, take extra care of yourself, love yourself a little more from my side, because that would be the one thing I would miss terribly.
I love you now and till the eternity.

Your Zawjah,
Maira Abdul Haseeb Abdullah.

I fold the paper and put it back in the drawer with the 'hubbah' carved bracelet of her's. Not a day has passed after Maira's death that I haven't read the letter. She always had this thing about death running inside her death, she had wanted a death when she is the most vulnerable in front of Allah and she did.

Days before her pregnancy she had talked me into writing a letter and written one herself. She had told me that, the one who would live longer than the other would read it. I was completely against this idea of her's at that time but now I'm thankful that she wrote this, it takes me back to our moments even after all these years. It reminds me of how good and untainted she was. I had written quite few similar things in my letter too but she was a perfectionist with her words, because it's because of her these words that my brain retains every single memory of her's in my head.

"Baba, come on we are waiting for you in the lawn" Aairah calls out from outside.

Our daughter, the little angel whose every act reminds me of her mother. Though she might have all my looks but other than that everything about her is like Maira. The way she talks, laughs, her little smiles, her calm demeanor even when she is utterly nervous, everything. Mu'adh has the looks of Maira and very little qualities of his mother, he is very much like me in his likes and dislikes.

They are of eight years now. Eight years since Maira's death. People tell that I've been doing great as a father but I still believe that I might've been a little more better if my wife was here with me.

I thank Allah everyday for bestowing His blessings upon me and providing me with the two children because without them and Maira gone, I wouldn't have been good.

It's their little questions about their mother and their sibling-quarelles that take my mind off Maira. They know enough about their mother to wish that they could meet her. They love Maira as much as she wanted them to love her. While Aairah tries to adopt all the qualities of her mother which she listens from me, Mu'adh tries to be the perfect brother for Aairah. He tries to be protective about his sister, claiming that he is 3 minutes elder to her.

But all-in-all they're just what Maira would've wanted them to be, doing their Hifdh in the same school together and growing up to be the better muslims InshaAllah.

I lean on the door frame and see them playing around the lawn with mama and baba, and my gaze falls upon the chair decks where all of us had sat a few years back and how I had thought that it was my perfect family. I would call this my perfect family too but the void of Maira's absence is very apparent in my heart to call it perfect.

Because after everything is said and done, it's with her where my heart had always belonged.

It had belonged with her from the moment I had laid my eyes on her, from the moment I had uttered those words which made me destined for her, from the moment I had become her husband and she had become my wife.

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Grateful to my lord and all of you for all the love and support.

This story has finally come to an end, epilogue and all, there won't be any further chapters or any other materials added to this.

It would be a great pleasure if you guys show your love and support through your votes and comments.

Thank you all.

✨JazakAllahu Khairan Kaseera ✨

✿♡Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu ♡✿⁠ 

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