Chapter-19: New Favorite.

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"The believer does not insult others, does not curse others, is not vulgar, and is not shameless."

[Sunan al-Tirmidhī]

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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I never thought that come over early for breakfast meant to come early and ruin my beauty sleep and that to on the first morning of my holidays. Adam was literally here at 8 a.m, who even wakes up so early on a holiday?

Lucky for him, my parents were awake and he was with them for half an hour and then he came up here to my room to wake me up from my sleep at 8:30 a.m. Who even does that? After an hour of continuous persuasion and coaxing, here I am grumbling at my lack of sleep and brushing my teeth at the same time, while the cruel and absolute meanie is lying peacefully on the bed outside.

"I can hear you whining from out here sweetheart" Adam calls out from my bedroom, chuckling.

"It is meant for you to be heard" I call back wiping my mouth with the towel and stepping out of the bathroom to see him still in the same position as before. He lifts his head from the pillow to grin at me before plopping his head back on the pillow.

I narrow my eyes at him even though he is not seeing and stomp my way to the dresser. He better make this early waking up worth it.

"It is actually cute seeing you all fired up" he says smiling and sitting up on the bed. I roll my eyes at him through the mirror.

"So you are not speaking to me now?" he asks amusedly raising his eyebrows. I stay silent, biting my inner cheek to stop myself from smiling.

"Oh come on" he trails off as he stands up and comes towards me. I finish tying my hijab and move away from the dresser before he could reach me.

"Zawjati" he tries again as I put on a long cardigan over my top and go to open the door all the while stopping myself from laughing at his scowling figure.

He is the one who looks cute doing all this.

He holds my wrist, stopping me from opening the door and turns me around to face him. "Talk to me" he says looking directly in my eyes.

He tilts his head cutely when I don't make any effort to speak to him. "I am sorry for annoying you and waking you up early on a holiday, but you were the one who said that we'll meet early at breakfast today"

"But this early" I groan.

"It's because I had made plans for breakfast for only the two of us today but somebody wouldn't get up from their bed and I had to postpone it for lunch" he says with a single shouldered shrug.

"I am sorry that you had to cancel it out because of me" I say sighing, suddenly feeling guilty.

"It is completely alright and I didn't actually cancel it out, it's just postponed. We'll get to have breakfast with your family" he says smiling and caressing the back of my palm with the pad of his thumb.

I smile back at him turning to open the door "Baba was talking about Usman to me before I came up here" he says coming out with me and holding my hand.

"I am so damn excited to see Maryam's reaction to this" I say excitedly.

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