Chapter-6: Leaving.

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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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"Girls are you coming down for dinner or you'll just have it up here?" mama asked poking her head through the door.

"Is Usmaan home mama?" I asked glancing towards Mariam, slyly.

"Yes but he will be okay to have his dinner in his room if you guys are coming down" mama answered.

"No, its fine aunty we'll be okay in the room itself" Mariam spoke before anyone of us could.

"Are you sure?" mama asked, unconvincingly.

"Yes aunty, shukran!" Mariam replied smiling.

"Shy to go face the love of your life?" Alina teased Mariam as soon as mama left.

"Give up already, all this is getting really old for a joke" Mariam replied in an exhausted tone.

"The color of your cheeks says otherwise" I commented poking her cheeks.

"You know what? I am leaving" Mariam said swatting my hand away and getting up.

"So that you could see Usmaan there, huh?" Alina asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Guys stop, I'll go get dinner from downstairs" I said going towards the door and opening it.

"Coming?" I asked Mariam grinning.

"Get lost!" she threw the pillow just as I closed the door.


"I do not want you guys to go tomorrow" I said lying down on the bed between them

"Aww, is someone mushy?" Mariam asked.

"I do not want to either dude, it's the same old life again." Alina said sighing.

"I'm worried about going back to college after this week" I said looking at ceiling.

"I don't think so he'll want to talk to you." Alina said turning towards me.

"And why is that?" Mariam asked from beside me.

"He wouldn't have let her go on that day if he would want to see her again" Alina said sitting up.

"Honestly, I also think the same thing" I said sitting up too.

"He respected your privacy and space, he understood your morals, he wouldn't disrupt it, out of all people" Alina said nodding her head.

"Yeah, but what if he accidentally appears in front of me?"

"He wont , and even if he appears, act normal. Go to college, study or do whatever you always do and come back home. Its just a matter of some days until you get back to normalcy." Mariam reasoned.

I laid back down nodding.

These two days were indeed a distraction from all the chaotic thoughts running in my head.

We had been to shopping, having food at different places and having makeover session and hair styling at midnight while eating all sorts of food. But like every good thing comes to an end, all this is also ending. Both of them are leaving tomorrow morning and I have my college opening in a week.


"Maira, baba is calling you in the living room" Usmaan says peeking through the door.

"Why is baba here so early? It's not even 7" baba comes back only after 9, unless its some emergency.

"He just is, so hurry. I'm curious about what he has to say" Usmaan says hurriedly.

I wrap a hijab loosely around my head and walk with my brother to the living room.

"Salam baba" I say as I see him.

"Salam sweetie, come sit with us." baba says pointing towards the empty couch across him.

Usman takes a sit just on the opposite couch from mine while mama is already seated next to baba.

Baba clears his throat.

"So yesterday after the Ishaa salah a man approached me at the mosque asking me if I was Abdul Haseeb, the father of Maira Abdul Haseeb" baba said looking up at me.

I confusedly looked towards Usmaan who himself was giving me a look which tells 'what on earth is going on?'.

I just shrugged my shoulders and looked back at baba.

"He has put forward a... umm... a marriage proposal of his son with you. He said that his daughter studies in the same university as yours and she is a friend of yours who is actually the one who initially came up with this when he was having a discussion with his family." Baba says again looking back at me. I instantly looked down towards my feet.

Seriously, what on earth is going on?

Proposal for marriage! Oh Allah.

Who is even this girl because as far as I know most of my friends have brothers in their primary school and others don't even have any brothers.

"He said that he and his family would come over to see you if you and all of us are fine with it" baba says sharing a look with mama and then looks at me expectantly.

what am I supposed to even say?

"Me and your mama have discussed this matter but before we tell you anything, we want to hear your opinion."

"I... I" I stuttered and looked down at my hands on lap.

"Baba lets give her sometime, I'm sure she'll be able to give her opinion by the morning." Usmaan spoke.

Alhamdulillah that I've got him.

"Okay then, tomorrow morning at breakfast?" baba asked

I just nodded my head and straightly went to my room.

"That was one of a talk, huh?" Usmaan asked getting inside my room.

"What am I supposed to do or say? I am completely clueless about all of this." I said stressing on the whole sentence.

"It's fine if you feel this, although it would've been an issue if you felt just normal" he said reassuringly.

"So what do you suggest that I should say to baba?"

"I guess you should give it a shot, it won't be your final decision, you can surely deny the proposal straight away but first let them come see you and take help from Allah to help in your every decision" 

This is the most serious conversation I've ever had with Usmaan.

I guess I will give this proposal a shot.

"Can you tell to baba that I'm okay with the people coming over to see me?" I asked nervously.

"Sure, princess" Usmaan teased pulling me in a side hug. 

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