Chapter-8: The Wait.

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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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I tap my feet nervously on the carpet of Maira's living room where we are seated right now.

The calculative and quite intimidating gaze of Usmaan who is apparently Maira's brother isn't helping at all. I wonder if I looked the same way as him when Yusuf brought a proposal for Aisha. Aisha says that Yusuf still feels intimidated by me although they are married.

It's been a while after Aisha and mama have left to see Maira, and I'm starting to get worried as the time is getting passed. Maira's dad and baba are having a conversation and every now then they direct a question towards me.

Hopefully Maira doesn't think badly of me to bring this proposal, I didn't want to in the first place. But I couldn't bring myself to lie to Aisha when she asked me about it. The things which I said to Maira about becoming a better person were indeed true. And I can see the changes happening within me since then.

"Dinner's ready" I hear an elderly voice,  probably Maira's mom.

"Come on, lets continue the chat in the dining area" Mr. Abdul Haseeb says getting up.

All of us gather in the dining area while I hear some footsteps descending down the stairs and halting. I keep my eyes lowered to my plate all the while, and then there are hurried footsteps going up the stairs again.


"Won't you ask anything about the conversation I had with Maira?" Aisha asks plopping next to me on the bed.

We had returned back after an amazing dinner at their place. Mr. Abdul Haseeb said that they'll get back with an answer in a day or two. That brought out a different level of nervousness in me. I don't even know if I will be able to survive with this amount of nervousness floating in my body.

Aisha snaps her fingers in front me to get me out of my trance.

"I choose not to ask you anything." I say.

She scoffs.

"Admit that you desperately want to know what we talked, because we talked a lot of stuff." She says grinning slyly.

"Okay tell me what happened" I say slightly perking my interest.

"I don't think I want to, now" she says sticking her tongue out.

"Traitor" I feign an accusing tone narrowing my eyes.

She laughs loudly.

"She seemed to be impressed when I spoke about you." She says in a more gentle and serious voice.

Her words caused a sense of happiness in my heart.

I just shake my head to stop my mind from heightening the already heightened hopes.

I would accept her decision wholeheartedly no matter in whose favor it is.

But the wait is agonizing.


I walk into the university fully smiling and delightful.


She said yes!!

And our parents decided to not delay in taking this alliance forward but Maira wanted to talk to me before anything else. So a part of my mind is still not at peace.

I'm anxious about what she has to say but I also wonder what made her say yes to this proposal.

"You seemed to be in a good mood today bro." Jake says walking with me.

I just shrugged not wanting to say anything just now. I don't know if Maira wants to reveal this whole alliance thing yet.

Besides Jake said that Maira looked a bit suspicious by the way she dresses on that cultural event. I had instantly defended him telling that we have no right to be commenting on others attires.

I'm sure I would have said the same thing even if it was not the girl whom I'd admired but I guess it would've been a bit less defensive.

The day goes by as normally as a first day goes and now me, Jake and three other of my friends are heading to the last class of the day when Aisha comes running to go with us. Apparently she and I have a same subject on Mondays and Thursdays but she's a year younger to me. She had her nikah done last year when Yusuf's family had approached us although she will officially move in with him after she completes her University.

"Maira talked to me earlier today, she wants to speak to you over the phone by the end of the day and she has already told her parents about it." Aisha says bringing back the anxiousness which I had pushed behind.

"So she won't meet in person?" I ask her, slight disappointment in my voice.

"Aww!! The desperateness though..." she drawls before walking into the class and me trailing behind her with the chaos inside my head.

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I apologize for the short chapter and I promise that the next chapter would be more interesting..

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