Chapter-26: Giddy.

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"The distinguishing factor between kufr and Imaan is the deliberate neglect of Salaat."

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

✨ Bismillah ✨

If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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Usman's wedding rolled out sooner than being waited for. In the middle of shoppings, preparations and decorations, the two weeks just flew by, unrealised.

Now, here I am rushing out of the suite where Maryam and Alina are staying until the nikkah. All the girls, including Ayesha and our other cousins had planned a bridal shower yesterday which went on until a little to after the fajr prayer.

So apparently my mother was telling us our ear off on how we all-bride included, slept off through the whole morning until early afternoon considering that the nikah is at maghrib.

"You guys better be ready in time, we'll meet directly at the mosque" I say pointedly to Mariam and Alina who have still not gotten out of their beds.

Mama rushed as soon as we got back home, seemingly enough, the guys had also hoisted a party for Usman at Adam's place and I'm getting to hear that now after I came back.

So mama was in a full work mode when me and Usman returned and nevertheless here we are wrapping up to leave for the mosque.

The nikah was to be held here in a nearby mosque while the reception would be in Canterbury, convenient to the both of our families.

"Usman was asking for you" mama calls out to me as I exit my room. I knock twice on Usman's door and walk in just as he is fixing his keffiyah.

"You are never going to learn to wait for the insider's reply, are you?"

"Why am I not surprised that I am ready for you even on your nikkah?" I ask with a scoff, brushing of his earlier comment.

"Especially because it's my nikah today" he says grinning widely.

"Come on, now are you going to help me with this?" He speaks, before I could tell anything. I walk up to him rolling my eyes.

"What would you do if Mariam doesn't turn in to the mosque today?" I ask with a sly smile as I fix the bisht.

He gazed down at me from the mirror where he was fixing his keffiyah.

"It's certified that you are a wicked woman" I shrug. "There might be quite a handful of things she might not like about you" I say, adding to my wickedness just for the sake of it.

"And cruel too" he continues scowling.

"What type of a person things of upsetting a man just a while before his nikkah?" His speaks again, huffing.

I laugh at his glower "lighten up brother, you should know that my best friend is head over heels for you, from the very beginning" I say giving a final look at his now fixed keffiyah and bisht.

He went with the basic outfit for the nikah, with the same colour of bisht as that of the pearls on Maryam's gown.

Courtesy of his oh-so-cruel and wicked sister.

"That's what I thought" he says bumping my shoulder with his and walking with me out of the room with his arm wrapped around me.


"You've cleaned up well Mr. Adam Abdullah" I say as soon as I see him entering the back porch. He dips his head a little and holds his hand out for me, chivalrously.

He smiles as I take his hand and leans in near my ear to whisper "Just for you, my love"

I let out a low chuckle. "Such a shame that I am not able to see the red hue, most probably forming on your cheeks" he says stroking my niqab clad cheeks with his knuckles.

"I'm seeing you after almost 24 hours and I just get to see only your eyes" he clicks his tongue, shaking his head.

"I thought these eyes were enough"

"Oh sweetheart, nothing is just enough when it comes to you" he whispers again and drags me further in towards the newlyweds.

The nikkah went smoothly in the mosque and now we all are gathered here in the back porch of mama's house having dinner, congratulating the couple and talking.

Maryam and all of her family will return back to their place tomorrow soon after breakfast and then we all will go there on the day after tomorrow for reception.

Alina comes in beside me gushing over our friend and my brother. Adam and Usman does there bro hug while me and Alina school Mariam into a hug.

"I had so called this way before Usman's proposal" Alina teases, bumping Maryam's shoulder.

"And remind me who was always in the denial mode?" I narrow my eyes playfully at Maryam.

"Oh stop it you guys" Usman interrupt putting his arm around Mariam's shoulder protectively.

Alina cooes and pulls her niqab clad cheeks teasingly. "I can't believe that you are going to leave me all alone there and come here" she huffs.

"I can't believe it too" Mariam says softly, before being pulled by some other relatives of our's.

"Seems like you are the only one left now" I say turning to Alina. Her shoulder slumps down as she sighs "Ya Allah, the patience I have for my 'the one'"

I laugh at her grumbles and turn to Usman. He raises his brows, sensing my gaze at him "What?"

"How is the feel of being married?" I ask casting a single glance at Adam to see his eyes already on me.

I turn back to Usman. He breathes out for a moment and then glances at Mariam who is a bit farther from us, before answering "Giddy, amazing and everything which is good" he says still looking in the same direction.

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JazakAllahu Khairan Kaseera🤍

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Assalamualaikum until next time inshaAllah💖

~~ Safiya❣️

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