Chapter-20: Verdict.

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"Seventy thousand of my people will enter paradise without being taken to account. They are those who do not use spells or take omens, but put their trust in their Lord."

[Bukhari, Muslim]

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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"I am going to stab myself with this fork with all the weddings happening around me." Alina grumbles chewing down the piece of cake and setting aside the plate.

"Ya Allah just get me married to someone already." she exclaims plopping back on the bed.

"And you traitor" she says suddenly pointing at me.

I raise my eyebrows at her "You couldn't have even bothered to inform me about all of this before?" she says narrowing her eyes.

"And trust you to not blabber it out to Maryam?" I ask knowingly. "I wouldn't have" she mumbles quietly after a moment.

"You know you would have done it and Usman had anyway wanted it to be a surprise for her" I say nodding towards Maryam who was currently dealing with mixed emotions.

"He is just so sweet, isn't he?" Alina asks nudging Maryam.

Maryam scowls back at Alina and turns to me "A little heads up wouldn't have hurt anyone." she says sighing.

"I have been going on and on about both of you for an eternity and you both seem to always deny me, so deal with it now" I say with a shrug.

"But anyway what is your final verdict?" Alina asks cocking her head at Maryam.

"Are you Maryam Khan ready to take Usman Abdul Haseeb as your husband for an eternity and everything after it?" she continues in a deep voice.

"Shut up already" Maryam huffs and fixes her already fixed hijab.

I sigh and rub her arm "There is nothing to actually be so nervous about, I mean I know that you cannot actually stop the nervousness but knowing that it is just Usman should calm you a bit down" I say comfortingly.

"That is the exact thing which spikes my nervousness" Maryam counters.

"So you are ok with someone else coming up at your home with a proposal for you?" Alina asks smirking and wiggling her brows.

"I didn't m--" Maryam is cut short in her words as her mom comes in knocking on the door.

"Usman is waiting for you in the lawn if you're ready." She says quietly. Maryam inhales sharply and nods, telling her that she'll be out in a moment.

"You are chaperoning us right?" Maryam asks nervously.

"I am and don't worry I will be there to sneak you out if you don't want to be there any longer and to keep my brother in check" I joke trying to light her a bit.

"Thanks" she exhales softly and hugs me.

"Hey you cannot just leave me out here" Alina says hugging us both, causing us to chuckle.


"You should actually be thanking me for her acceptance of this proposal" I say as I lean on Usman's door frame.

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