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I took a close look at the guy she was with and it seemed like I saw him somewhere but I couldn't remember because he had covered his face with a mask. I was getting jealous of how close they seemed. "Kook, where is your attention?" I heard Namjoon hyung say and I quickly said "n-nowhere" and cursed myself mentally for stuttering.

Hyung didn't seem to buy my excuse so he looked where I was looking, smirked and said "if you are jealous then you should go talk to her" "what? no, I mean I don't want to look like a creep" I quickly said and he nodded his head. "Doesn't that guy look like Jackson??" Jimin came behind me and said, then I realized that he was Jackson, one of our allies he was currently leading the Annihilators  "yea looks similar, " I said. Then we all started shooting.

I stole many glances at her and she seemed to be pretty good at shooting. They practiced with shotgun, machine guns, handguns and rifles. After about 2 hrs they seemed to be done with their practice and left the range. Luckily Jin hyung said that he is now hungry and we should go to a restaurant next to the range. As we entered the restaurant we ran into Jackson "Hey guys didn't expect you all to be here" he said. "Neither did we, when did you come back from the US?" Hoseok hyung asked "Just this morning, I am here with my sister ,why don't you join us?" He asked and I felt relieved to find out they are siblings. "Sure" replied Yoongi hyung.

We all went to the table and she was sitting next to the window doing something on her phone. She looked up at us and gave us a confused look "Yn they are my friends, they were here so I asked them to join us hope you don't mind" said Jackson, "No I don't mind " she said and gave us a small smile. We all sat down and ordered our food. She was sitting in front of me and it was hard to not look at her.

"Jackson, you never told us that you had a sister" Taehyung asked, "yeah her identity was kept a secret for her safety" he said. We all had our lunch and talked about the mafia stuff, she didn't seem to mind the fact that we were mafia and didn't get engaged in the conversation much. She only gave short replies when we asked her something. I could feel her cold and intimidating aura so I decided not to talk to her much. After lunch we all were saying goodbye and she just left  us there and went to the parking lot. "Jungkook, this is your chance go talk to her" Hoseok hyung whispered to me and gave me a slight push.

I ran to the parking area and saw her standing with her back facing me. I took a deep breath and went to her "yn" I called her and she turned around. "Yea" she replied and turned around, she gave me a confused look while my brain had stopped functioning, I was staring at her for a long time before she slightly shook me bringing me back to reality. "Umm …" I tried but nothing sensible came out of my mouth.

Jungkook was stuttering and was trying to say something, it was hard to keep a straight face as he was looking funny and adorable just opposite of what he was in the hospital.
I thought to start the conversation so I said "is your wound healed?" he looked a bit lost, then it clicked to him what I was talking about "yea it's fine now" he said. "Is this your bike?" he asked me. "Yeah, my dad left it to me after his death " I replied. "Can I have your phone number?" he asked and his face showed instant regret.

Mafia and the Cold GirlWhere stories live. Discover now